What Helps Against Stains On The Hands

No matter whether through kitchen work, gardening, sun or old age: there are home remedies for stains on the hands!

What helps against stains on the hands

Stains on the hands are annoying, because our hands are seen every day, they reveal our age and also whether and how well-groomed we are.

Our hands are practically our “figurehead” and stains on them are ugly. There are home remedies for all sorts of skin spots. Try them out!

Lemon juice against stains

Lemon juice is a natural bleach that is also popular to lighten hair in the sun.

You can also use lemon juice to bleach spots on the skin. You can achieve a longer exposure time if you make a mask with lemon. Mix instant oat flakes with lemon juice to make a spreadable paste that you apply as a mask and leave on for 20 minutes.

Then wash off thoroughly.

You must never use this mask if you have open skin areas such as scratches, abrasions or pimples on the skin, as the acid from the lemon juice would irritate the skin too much!

Also, never go out in the sun afterwards, otherwise it can lead to skin spots.


Lemon against “kitchen hands”

If you’ve processed foods that stain strongly, such as dark red berries, beetroot, salsify, or other foods that stain, the skin on your fingers is often discolored.

The nails can also be discolored with food during kitchen work. Rub it thoroughly with lemon juice and let it sit. The lemon juice will bleach the plant color out of your skin.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide against vegetable stains

Gardening, kitchen work, or staining plant extracts can stain hands.

Hydrogen peroxide bleaches all stains of organic origin (i.e. no chemical colors) out of your skin.

Soaking your fingernails in hydrogen peroxide bleaches the nails and removes color changes, dirt and yellow tones.

Then rinse your hands and nails well with clear water and treat them with a rich care product. This product not only has a bleaching effect, but also degreases!


Peeling against spots on the hands

The top layer of skin is removed by peeling and a lighter layer of skin underneath comes to the surface.

A weekly peeling is therefore suitable to keep your unloved age spots on your hands permanently bright.

You can get a cheap and simple peeling if you mix a lot of table sugar or salt with a little lemon or orange juice to a granular pulp and use it as a peeling.

The fruit acid contained in the citrus fruits also helps to intensify the peeling.



Yoghurt contains lactic acid, which, like the fruit acid described above, helps to soften the top layers of the skin and to remove them when the skin is then peeled or rubbed off.

Lactic acid is found in many dairy products, but especially in yogurt, sour cream, sour milk, sour cream, sour milk, kefir and buttermilk.

Every evening, wear a sour milk product of your choice, also mixed with a little lemon juice, thickly with the back of a knife on the area affected by unwanted stains and leave the mask on for at least 30 minutes before washing it off.

Milk powder

Milk powder against stains on the hands

Another mask that, if used consistently, can lighten age spots, is also based on a dairy product.

Since milk itself does not adhere well to the skin and is not concentrated enough, please get powdered milk.

It does not matter whether it is skimmed milk powder or whole milk powder, but it must by no means be a coffee creamer. Coffee creamer does not contain milk, but vegetable fats and is therefore completely ineffective for this mask.

Now mix one teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon each of powdered milk and lemon juice. Because the milk powder is poorly distributed in honey, it is best to stir the juice and powder together first before adding it to the honey.

This mass also combines the positive properties of fruit acid with the nourishing properties of honey. Leave on the affected areas for at least 30 minutes a day.

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