How Stainless Steel Can Be Cleaned Naturally

There are many different ways to clean objects in your own home without polluting the environment or exposing yourself to harmful chemicals. We want to tell you how you can clean stainless steel in a natural and environmentally friendly way.

How stainless steel can be cleaned naturally

Do your pots, pans, and appliances look lackluster? In the following article, you will learn how you can give them their shine back without polluting the environment or exposing yourself to harmful chemicals. You don’t necessarily have to use chemical cleaning agents to clean stainless steel. While their formulas tend to be effective, there are many eco-friendly alternatives that will give good results as well.

Stainless steel is a resilient material that usually remains in good condition even after a long period of time. However, it does tend to look dull and dirty if not properly cared for. Fortunately, there is a way to naturally clean stainless steel.

Why is it important to clean stainless steel?

Clean stainless steel
When stainless steel gets dirty, it becomes more susceptible to rust and corrosion, which damages the material.

Before we explain how you can clean stainless steel naturally, let’s explain why it is so important to clean stainless steel in the first place. Stainless steel is widely used in spaces such as the kitchen, thanks to its heat and corrosion resistance.

In addition, unlike other metals, it is very durable. It won’t rust or stain if it comes into contact with water. The problem, however, is that it can deteriorate noticeably as grease, dust, and other debris build up on the surface.

This means that stainless steel chrome no longer reacts optimally to the oxygen in the air and can therefore no longer form a rust protection layer. So if stainless steel is not cared for properly, it becomes susceptible to corrosion and wear and tear.

What can be done to prevent this from happening? How can you keep your stainless steel kitchen appliances looking pristine?

Below we would like to recommend a simple technique that you can use to clean stainless steel in a natural way. You can use them on any item that contains this material: trays, sinks, refrigerators, countertops, pots and pans, etc.

The environmentally friendly way to clean stainless steel

Clean stainless steel
By using natural methods of cleaning stainless steel, the environment is less polluted.

There are numerous products on the market that promise to restore the shine of stainless steel. However, we should reduce the use of chemicals that are harmful to the environment. Because of this, many choose to use natural cleaning products, many of which can be made at home.

The good news is that there are many environmentally friendly ways to clean stainless steel. These also don’t cost a lot of money and produce great results. They can also be used for any kind of utensil or surface that contains stainless steel.

So are you ready to get started? Then watch out now!

What you will need

  • 2 tablespoons of beeswax
  • 1 tablespoon of coarse salt
  • Dishwashing detergent (as required)
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • A cotton towel or a soft towel


  • To clean stainless steel naturally, use the two tablespoons of beeswax first. Apply it to the entire surface to be cleaned and let it harden.
  • When you’re done, sprinkle the coarse salt over the wax.
  • Then rub the rag or towel vigorously. At this point you will find that the stainless steel is beginning to regain its shine.
  • To ensure that the surface is completely cleaned, however, a soap solution must be mixed. To do this, mix dish soap with a little water and spray it on the surface.
  • Rub with a cotton rag or soft towel, then rinse the area off. Avoid using scrubbers and abrasives, which could scratch the metal.
  • Dry the area completely with a clean rag and finally moisten a rag with lemon juice. Then rub it over the entire surface. After using this last component, your stainless steel will look like new.
  • To keep it in perfect condition, you should repeat this process every 2 to 3 weeks

Other Recommendations

Clean stainless steel
A good cleaning routine prevents stubborn rust from building up on stainless steel surfaces.

In addition to regular cleaning of stainless steel, as described above, it is important to take other basic measures to keep this material in perfect condition. For example:

  • Maintain regular cleaning of stainless steel furniture and appliances with warm water and a soft towel. Wipe up any excess water with a dry towel.
  • Always wipe in the direction of the chrome plating to avoid staining and scuffing.
  • If there is grease or food residue, you should use diluted washing-up liquid and warm water.
  • You should spray water or dust spots with window cleaner mixed with a little water. Then wipe the surface with a soft towel and it’s like new again!

    Have you tried this method of naturally cleaning stainless steel? If not, you should give it a try and see for yourself how effective it actually is!

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