6 Drinks That Are Healthier Than Water

Our body needs sufficient fluids. Did you know that there are drinks that are healthier than water and that can make it much easier for you to drink fluids?

6 drinks that are healthier than water

Water is a basic condition for every life. The planet earth and our body mainly consist of this element. Our health and appearance fundamentally depend on it. But there are drinks that are  healthier than water.

Both in conventional medicine and in naturopathy it is known that there are drinks that are even healthier than water ! This is especially good news for those who don’t like the taste of pure water.

Today we are going to introduce you to various natural drinks that you can consume every day to promote your health.

Do not forget, however, that these must not contain any additives (flavor enhancers, preservatives, etc.) and should be purely natural if you really want to benefit from all the advantages.

6 drinks that are healthier than water

1. Beetroot juice

In almost every supermarket, raw beetroot can be found in the fruit and vegetable section. Take advantage of this and try this nutritious juice.

Not only is it very tasty, it also contains vitamins A, B and C, antioxidants, calcium, amino acids, potassium, magnesium, sugar and water.

Like any other juice in the juicer, it is very easy to prepare. The strong color can then be easily cleaned again, no color residues remain in the dishes.

2. Coconut water

coconut water instead of water drinks

Coconut water is well known from reality shows as the basis of survival because it is high in potassium and other very important nutrients. 

Coconut water is now available in almost all supermarkets, but it is best to buy it from health food stores or other specialized organic stores to ensure the quality of the product. It is therefore healthier than water.

3. Aloe water

Aloe Vera is an extraordinary natural product that has been rediscovered in recent years. In various studies could also health-promoting properties of this plant proved to be

Aloe is not only highly recommended for the skin, it also promotes wound healing and reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

The antioxidants it contains and the cleansing effect help prevent cell aging and improve the intestinal flora. Aloe water is very helpful for constipation, high cholesterol levels or circulatory disorders.

4. Fruit juices that are healthier than water


The combination of fruit and water is also very healthy. A wide variety of fruits are suitable for this, such as strawberries, watermelon or blueberries, as well as vegetables and herbs such as basil or cucumber.

Depending on the desired effect, you can choose appropriate types of fruit or vegetables. Always prepare these juices or smoothies fresh.

5. Tea

Tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide, but many are unaware of the numerous benefits. Different varieties have different advantages, including for example the following:

  • Protection of teeth,
  • Improve blood circulation,
  • anti-inflammatory effect,
  • or natural antibiotic.

Green tea in particular is recommended for weight loss because of its cleansing effect. This allows fat and pollutants to be better removed.

6. Illex Guayusa


This drink is little known, but very healthy. Illex Guayusa comes from the rainforest of Ecuador, this plant is rich in 2 stimulants: caffeine and theobromine.

This plant has a similar effect to mate. It contains chlorogenic acid and therefore protects heart health.

Illex Guayusa  is particularly recommended in the morning instead of coffee. This stimulates the organism and at the same time boosts the metabolism. This drink therefore helps you lose weight.

The drinks mentioned support weight loss as they make it easier to burn fat, promote digestion and improve the absorption of nutrients.

There is no longer an excuse: if you normally don’t drink enough, here are good choices to change that and improve your health.

Alternate with the different drinks and make sure you eat a balanced, healthy diet!

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