Homemade Syrup Against Constipation

In more serious cases, medical treatment is required. Therefore, be sure to get examined to prevent complications.

Homemade syrup for constipation

Lots of water and fiber are known to be the best cures for constipation. But even this homemade  syrup for constipation  can help you alleviate this uncomfortable digestive problem.

It is a very common complaint that causes  problems with bowel movements. In addition, abdominal pain, gas and general malaise can complicate your everyday life.

In more serious cases, medical treatment is required. Therefore, be sure to get examined to prevent complications.

Normally, a change in diet, sufficient exercise and plenty of water are sufficient to regulate digestion. Additionally, this syrup can help you  relieve constipation It contains a lot of  fiber!

Homemade syrup for constipation

This recipe stimulates bowel movement and at the same time promotes bowel movement.

The combination of plums and lemon juice  has a laxative effect and cleanses the intestines. This does not change the natural pH value of the intestinal flora.

Positive properties of the plum

Plums for syrup for constipation

The fruit of the prunus (from the family of the Rosaceae tree) is known to us as the plum. This not only stimulates the bowel movement. Plums are also anti-inflammatory and reduce excess acids.

  • They are high in fiber which acts like a laxative. In the case of chronic constipation, the German Nutrition Society recommends at least 30 g of fiber per day.
  • This also reduces bad cholesterol (LDL).
  • Although plums are low in calories, they contain sugar, which provides energy.
  • It is a prebiotic food that provides healthy nutrition for healthy bacteria.
  • In addition, plums are characterized by important minerals that reduce inflammation and water retention. 

Recipe for homemade syrup for constipation

Recipe for homemade syrup for constipation

There are many benefits to making your own constipation syrup because it does

  • does not contain harmful chemicals,
  • has no undesirable side effects,
  • can be consumed several times a week,
  • provides energy and nutrients at the same time and
  • is also cheaper than commercially available laxatives!

The preparation is very easy!


  • 10 plums
  • Lemon juice
  • 1/2 glass of water (100 ml)


  • mixer
  • Mason jar with lid


  • Put the plums in the blender along with the lemon juice and water and process everything well.
  • Keep the mixture in a mason jar in the refrigerator.


  • If you are constipated regularly, it is best to use 3 tablespoons of syrup before breakfast, 3 tablespoons at noon, and 2 tablespoons in the afternoon.
  • As soon as the situation improves, you can take 2 to 3 tablespoons daily as a precaution.


Important for syrup against constipation

In addition to the syrup, you should also watch your diet and not eat anything that can lead to constipation. Avoid as much as possible:

  • White flour
  • sugar
  • Fried and ready meals
  • Foods high in sodium

Don’t forget  to drink plenty of water and make sure you have an extra portion of fiber! Constipation: If it is chronic, it is imperative to see a doctor and follow their recommendations.

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