This Is How You Find True Friends!

True friends do things for us that no one else would. One should not only be able to recognize and appreciate these things, but also be able to reciprocate them.

How to find true friends!

They say you can count true friends on one hand. They are always by your side, listening to you and getting the most out of you! Here we show you how to recognize such friends.

What distinguishes true friends?

It is very easy to make real friends. That’s because they do things for you that no one else would. You can consider yourself very lucky if you have even a few such people by your side!

1. They increase your self-confidence!

True friends increase your self-confidence!

True friends help you ventilate, make you scream and cry and always have an open ear for you if you are not feeling well. They give you strength, make you think positively again and help you to feel better. True friends are always ready to cheer you up and make you laugh.

2. They support you!

No matter what you decide to do, they always support you in what you do, even if they would have decided otherwise. They show you their support by texting you, spending an afternoon with you, or giving you a hug, gift, or card.

3. They sincerely listen to you!

True friends listen to you!

This is one of the main characteristics of true friends. If you tell them something, no matter what it is, they’ll listen carefully.

True friends can spend hours listening to you complain, insult someone, laugh, tell a story, etc.

4. You can feel safe with them!

If you are very good friends with someone, you don’t have to pretend. You don’t have to fool your friends or try to impress them.

With them you don’t have to pay attention to your choice of words, you can show them who you really are and feel good, without any facades.

5. They help you!

True friends help you!

When there’s an important decision to make and you don’t know what to do, you are most likely calling your best friend for advice.

You usually turn to this special person when a difficult situation arises.

True friends give you valuable advice from their point of view. They’ll give you their attention, a hug, or a hand to hold when you need it.

They will also help you get back on track when you feel lost. They are your solid rock, even when everything seems to be going downhill!

6. They take time for you!

True friends don’t make excuses when it comes to hanging out with you or talking about something.

They always want to hang out with you! While everyone has their own responsibilities, a true friend will always find time for you.

Here are a few sentences you will only hear from a real friend:

  • “I have 15 minutes between work and university, let’s go have a coffee!”
  • “I still have to see a doctor. Before that I’ll stop by to say hello. “
  • “Keep Thursday evening free. We’re going to eat together! “

However, someone who is always busy, canceling dates, and who is next to impossible to meet with, may not have a real interest in maintaining your friendship.

It may not be a bad thing, the person may have personal problems, but it is still not an unconditional friendship. 

7. They tell you the truth!

True friends tell you the truth!

It is important that you surround yourself with people who are sincere and honest. There is no point in having friends who just tell you what you want to hear. If a dress doesn’t suit you, a true friend will tell you too.

A true friend will also tell you if they think that your life partner is not doing you any good. When you are about to make a bad decision, the first thing a true friend will bring to your attention will be.

Sincerity is essential in friendship. It’s worth having friends who will tell you the truth, even if it hurts.

8. They respect you!

True friends don’t cling to each other or expect you to be there all the time. They understand that you have other things to do and want to spend time with.

They also respect it when you want to be alone for whatever reason. Respect is very important in a friendship. This includes, among other things, respecting personal freedom.

9. They forgive you!

True friends forgive you!

True friends know that you are only human and that you can make mistakes. Therefore, if you show that you regret what you did, they will have no problem forgiving you.

True friendship involves forgiving mistakes from the heart and putting the relationship between you first.

10. They make you a better person!

If you want to have true friends, you have to learn to give. You cannot take what you are not ready to give back. Friendship doesn’t work if only one tries. This also applies to other relationships: partnerships, families, colleagues, etc.

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