8 Possible Uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar

To regulate blood sugar levels, you can combine apple cider vinegar with a balanced, low-fat diet.

8 uses of apple cider vinegar

You should always have this natural product at home. Because the application possibilities of apple cider vinegar  are very versatile.

Apple cider vinegar is not only healthy, you can also use it as a cleaning agent or in cosmetics. It contains over 30 important nutrients!

It is characterized by vitamins A and B, essential fatty acids, mineral salts and other important elements. You too can benefit from all the different uses of apple cider vinegar!

This natural product was already very popular in ancient times. At that time it was used for pain, illness and to cleanse the body.

Various studies show that apple cider vinegar stimulates the metabolism and makes the skin beautiful. It is also effective against allergies, breathing difficulties and other diseases. 

Read on. Let us now name the main  uses of apple cider vinegar .

Uses of apple cider vinegar

Digestive problems

The enzymes contained in apple cider vinegar support digestion and promote a healthy intestinal flora.

You can use it to fight harmful bacteria and acids in the stomach.  Apple cider vinegar also helps excellently with gas, constipation, stomach cramps, etc.

  • We recommend consuming a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar half an hour before each meal.

Apple cider vinegar for weight loss

Apple cider vinegar is great for helping in reducing body fat; especially in the abdominal area as well as on the legs and hips.

To benefit from the excellent benefits of apple cider vinegar, two teaspoons daily in a glass of lukewarm water on an empty stomach are recommended.


A large number of studies have confirmed  that apple cider vinegar can regulate blood sugar levels.

Of course, it is also important to ensure a balanced diet (possibly without saturated fatty acids and without white sugar).

For diabetes, two teaspoons of vinegar mixed with a glass of lukewarm water every day before going to bed are recommended.

Athlete’s foot

The acetic acid contained in apple cider vinegar   has an excellent effect on athlete’s foot (Candida albicans).

For treatment, 2 – 3 cups of vinegar are mixed with water in a foot bath and the feet are bathed in it for 15 minutes.

Another option is to apply a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water (one spoon each) to the affected area.

Joint discomfort

Apple cider vinegar is a great helper in treating ailments like arthritis and osteoarthritis.

This can reduce tension, pain and various joint ailments.  Apple cider vinegar also has a wound healing and antispasmodic effect.

The acetic acid helps with infections. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar supports the removal of uric acid, which can be responsible for great pain in the joints.

In this case we recommend a mixture of two spoons of vinegar with a glass of lukewarm water. If you wish, you can sweeten the drink with honey.

It’s best to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Beautiful hair

Apple cider vinegar gives the hair a special shine, it can be applied in small amounts (three spoons) directly to damp hair.

This reduces split ends, balances the pH value of the scalp and relieves irritation.

Apple cider vinegar is especially recommended for oily hair, but it can sometimes cause itching. Therefore one should be careful with the application.

For acne and skin spots

The germicidal and antibacterial properties of apple cider vinegar are perfect for the care of skin blemishes.

A treatment with apple cider vinegar is particularly effective for acne or skin spots   and helps to restore the skin.

This will restore the natural pH value. This can prevent dry and oily skin.

Apple cider vinegar and water are simply mixed in equal parts. Use it to wash your skin. You will see the great results of this simple home remedy quickly!

For the household

In our list of uses for apple cider vinegar, the benefits of this product in the household must of course be mentioned:

  • Use apple cider vinegar in a spray can to clean   windows, doors, mirrors, etc.
  • It also helps against ants.  Because you don’t need harmful chemicals for that. It is also an excellent remedy for insect bites.
  • Soak your pet in water with a little apple cider vinegar to get  rid of fleas or lice. And rinse the fur well afterwards.
  • You can also fight bugs around the house with vinegar and water.
  • You can also use the vinegar to clean kitchen utensils!  It is a perfect cleaning agent to remove grease and bacteria.

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