5 Recipes Against Dry Skin On Different Areas Of The Body

Dry skin needs a lot of moisture from the inside and outside, so you should drink more water in addition to the recommended treatments!

5 recipes against dry skin on different areas of the body

The skin is a versatile, vital organ that should also be cared for accordingly. Some do this for aesthetic reasons, others are aware of the importance of preventing disease or infection. There are also remedies  for dry skin.

However, daily environmental factors such as UV rays, pollutants and other circumstances affect the health of the skin.

As a result, there is often an imbalance in the natural oils,  which in turn can lead to dryness, rough skin or even small cracks.

Excessive dryness of the skin  increases the risk of more serious complaints.

Fortunately, there are numerous natural solutions for optimal skin care without the need for chemical products.

Then we will give you various recipes  for dry skin . Read on to learn more about it.

1. Natural cream for dry skin on the face


This natural face cream is made from ingredients such as avocado, almond oil and vitamin E.

It contains essential fatty acids and antioxidants that  help restore the skin’s natural moisture and improve its flexibility.

Regular use improves the dry aspect and also  builds up protection against free radicals, which accelerate skin aging.


  • 1/2 avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of almond oil (32 g)
  • 2 vitamin E capsules


  • Mash the pulp of the avocado with a fork and then mix with the almond oil and the contents of the vitamin E capsule.
  • As soon as you get a homogeneous mixture, you can then apply it to the cleansed face and let it work for 30 minutes.
  • Then wash off this cream with lukewarm water and use it every evening.

Moisturizing lip balm for dry lips

The delicate skin of the lips likes to dry out because it is exposed to environmental aggressions, cold and chemical agents.

This simple lip balm nourishes the skin with essential fatty acids as well as vitamin E, moisturizes and  removes dead skin cells.


  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of hazelnut oil (32 g)
  • 6 drops of lavender oil


  • Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath and then mix it with the hazelnut oil and lavender oil.
  • Pour into a sealable can and then let it set. Apply several times a day.

3. Natural cream for dry hands


The excellent properties of this homemade cream work  against dry skin and also help to reduce age spots.


  • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal (10 g)
  • one tablespoon of yogurt (12.5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (10 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of almond oil (5 g)


  • Mix all ingredients until a thick cream is formed.
  • Then rub it into your hands and let the cream work for 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse with lukewarm water. Use three times a week.

4. Moisturizing cream for dry skin on elbows and knees

Elbows and knees particularly like to dry out and also  have a tendency to become darker, as a particularly large number of dead skin cells accumulate here.

To improve the appearance, we recommend the following moisturizing and exfoliating cream:


  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 10 drops of lemon juice


  • Mix all ingredients together and then use them to massage your elbows and knees gently in a circular motion.
  • Let it work for 10 minutes and then rinse off.
  • Use this treatment at least three times a week.

5. Natural cream for dry legs


Frequent depilation, the use of chemical products and insufficient water consumption often leave the skin on the legs dry and dull.

We recommend a homemade cream with an excellent moisturizing effect that  provides your skin with important nutrients.

It also helps to reduce aesthetic problems such as stretch marks or cellulite.


  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa butter (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe gel (15 g)


  • Melt coconut oil and cocoa butter in a water bath.
  • Then process the aloe gel in a stand mixer and stir into the oil mixture.
  • Then fill it into a sealable container and let it set.
  • So that you rub the skin in the evening before going to bed.

Don’t forget  to drink plenty of water as well as consume antioxidant foods.  In this way, the body is also supplied with sufficient fluid from the inside and your skin is protected.

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