Potatoes – Delicious And Healthy

Baked potatoes help to keep the intestines healthy, improve brain functions and provide valuable vitamin B that relieves stress.

Potatoes - delicious and healthy

The potato (also called Erdapfel) is the fourth most widely cultivated crop after rice, grain and maize and an important component of various dishes worldwide. Potatoes  are one of the staple foods used in many dishes.

Potatoes are not only delicious, they are also very nutritious. Read on to find out how important potatoes are to your health. 

Potatoes help you lose weight

Do you want to lose weight? Potatoes are high in carbohydrates as well as complex nutrients. A boiled potato only has 26 calories, making it an ideal part of your diet.

This food also has a low glycemic index and makes you feel full faster, which is very beneficial in case of food cravings.

Potatoes help against stress

Potatoes are rich in vitamin B6, which is important for cell renewal, supports the nervous system and then ensures a more balanced state of mind.

100 g baked potatoes contain 21% of the daily requirement of vitamin B6. They also produce a hormone called GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which works against stress and can help you sleep better.

They reduce inflammation

If you suffer from internal or external chronic inflammation, they can also help here. Oven-baked potatoes are easy to digest, easy to digest, and help with irritation.

To soothe external inflammation, all you have to do is rub a raw potato on the affected area (this also applies to canker sores).

They ensure better brain function

Potatoes are rich in copper and iron and stimulate brain activity. A baked potato without salt can then improve your memory.

Manganese, potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C are known to stimulate brain function. The nerve centers also respond in a positive way to the fatty acids and amino acids contained in potatoes.

Potatoes against kidney stones

The level of uric acid in the blood is an important factor in kidney stones. Those affected can remedy the situation by consuming the potato peels, as they are rich in copper, manganese, potassium and B vitamins.

They keep the intestines healthy

The potato is a high quality food with a large amount of fiber. A baked potato already contains almost twelve percent of the dietary fiber you need every day and has similar fiber values as whole grains, whole wheat pasta and cereals.

Reading tip: Pumpkin pie with wholemeal flour

Potato dish

To get the most out of it, eat it boiled or peeled as a baked potato, as it is high in fiber, flavonoids, and other ingredients.

Avoid fried (french fries) cooked in oil. Cooking oil clogs arteries, and french fries are empty calories.

Images courtesy of Buzz Hoffman y rkazda

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