Breast Cancer: Gloves With Sensors For Early Detection Invented!

In the future, breast cancer can also be felt with sensors!

Breast cancer: gloves with sensors for early detection invented!

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women; it also occurs in men, but much less often.

At least 60,000 women in Germany develop breast cancer every year . Of all cancers in women, 28% are due to breast cancer.

So it makes sense to spot it as early as possible. To this end, new research results are presented again and again. We are introducing one of these ideas today.

Important: recognize breast cancer early!

If the cancer is discovered in time, there is a very good chance that the therapy will work and the body will defeat the cancer. The older the woman, the greater her risk of developing breast cancer.

The average age at developing breast cancer is around 60 years. However, since it can happen to any woman earlier, it is important to know the symptoms:

  • Breast lump
  • Redness or swelling
  • Unilateral breast enlargement
  • Induration of the chest
  • Changed nipples
  • Dents or dimples
  • Skin abnormalities
  • Lumps or swelling in the armpit

Breast cancer

In addition, a routine appointment with the gynecologist is mandatory for preventive care. The gynecologist will scan your breast for abnormalities that you may not notice yourself because some changes occur gradually.

It makes sense to accept the “breast cancer screening” examination offered in Germany from the age of 30. Studies have shown that too often tissue samples are taken due to incorrect diagnoses.

But this shouldn’t prevent anyone from using early detection.

Ask your gynecologist how exactly and with which movements you can feel your chest and armpits yourself in the shower for suspicious symptoms. So you can recognize even the smallest changes, because every woman knows her own breast best!


Mammography, a hot topic

With mammography changes in the breast tissue can be made visible, but it cannot be clarified whether this change is benign or pathological. This can only be clarified through other, further investigation methods.

So if you’ve had a mammogram and it’s found changes, that doesn’t immediately mean you have breast cancer!

Mammography is an imaging part of the early detection of breast cancer, but should never be used alone for diagnosis and should always be used in combination with other diagnostic methods.

The World Health Organization recommends mammography for the early detection of breast cancer. She bases her recommendation on many meaningful international studies that show that this investigation really does more benefit than harm.

Whether you ultimately use the free breast cancer screening options is up to you.

Breast cancer

Latest invention: sensor gloves

Scientists are constantly looking for new ways to detect breast cancer earlier and more efficiently. In order to diagnose changes in the breast “accurately” as a doctor, you need a lot of experience, which young doctors in particular do not yet have.

Because many women reject mammography as an additional diagnostic tool, further technical solutions are being sought to improve early detection.

Scientists have now developed sensors that, mounted on special gloves, could help in the early detection of breast cancer.

So far, they have only been tested in laboratory conditions with balloons and artificial tissues, but the tests seem promising. The sensors are able to register differences in tissue and different finger pressure.

They can differentiate differences in a material thickness of around 2 human hairs, they work very precisely.

The method is not yet mature enough, but there are plans to develop and mature it to such an extent that these special sensor gloves help doctors to detect even the finest changes in breast tissue.

Even when they are not yet recognizable for the human fingers, but the sensors can already recognize them.

Breast cancer


The most common risk factors include:

  • Woman over 55 years
  • Family background
  • Menstruation begins before the age of 12
  • Late or premature menopause
  • obesity
  • No pregnancy

But if you look at the statistics, one thing is clear above all: a healthy lifestyle is the most effective way of preventing cancer. It does not matter which cancer it is.

Those who drink alcohol regularly have a 30% higher risk of developing breast cancer.

Overweight women have a 2.5-fold increased risk. A lack of exercise increases the risk by a whopping 25%, smoking by as much as 30%. Those who eat a lot of red meat and do not get enough vitamin D3 through exposure to the sun are also more likely to get sick.

In 5 to 10% of all breast cancer cases, however, the disease is genetic and is therefore passed on from generation to generation.

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