Strengthen The Tendons And Ligaments Of The Knee Joints

Gelatine is an excellent way to strengthen the tendons and ligaments. It also promotes nail, skin and hair health. The nettle is rich in silicon, magnesium, potassium and chlorophyll and is therefore also an excellent remedy for strong ligaments and tendons. 

Strengthen the tendons and ligaments of the knee joints

Knee joint problems are a common ailment that can appear at any time and interfere with daily activities. Today we are therefore introducing you to various options with which you can supplement a healthy diet in order to strengthen the  tendons and ligaments  in general and the knee joints in particular. You can use it to improve your quality of life.

The knee joint is fundamental to many activities. As long as it is healthy, we can move it gently and easily and walk or run without any problems. But when there is wear and tear or other problems with the knee joints, this manifests itself as pain and restricted mobility. 

Once you know what functions the  tendons and ligaments  do, you can easily understand why this is the case.

  • A tendon is the connective tissue part of the muscles that connects the muscles with the bones.
  • A ligament (or ligament) is a fibrous strand of connective tissue that connects bones and enables them to remain  stable.

Experts from the “Las Condes” clinic, which specializes in traumatology and orthopedics, explain that the most common problems with unilateral knee pain are meniscus problems, tendinitis or cartilage injuries. It is usually a specific trauma or trauma that has arisen during sporting activities.

When  both knee joints are sore, the most common problem is kneecap misalignment or other kneecap issues. This leads to constant or intense joint pain. In this case, it is imperative to see a doctor, because the options we are proposing today for strengthening tendons and ligaments cannot replace medical treatment or medication.

Strengthen the tendons and ligaments of the knee joints

However, tendons and ligaments need to be  properly nourished and supplied with vitamins and minerals to be  strong and healthy. Then, discover some key ways to improve your quality of life.

As part of a healthy diet, the following supplements can help prevent ligament and tendon degeneration  and prevent injuries and pain.

Strengthen tendons and ligaments with collagen-rich gelatin

In various studies, scientists have shown that gelatin is an excellent means of nourishing the ligaments and tendons. Because it contains a lot of collagen, which is why gelatine also keeps nails, hair and skin healthy.

Don’t doubt to incorporate this recipe into your diet on a regular basis:

Strengthen tendons and ligaments with a collagen-rich mixed drink

Ingredients required

  • 1 ripe banana
  • Juice of one orange
  • 40 g colorless and tasteless gelatine
  • 60 g of pure honey


  • Press the orange to get the juice. Then mash the banana. It is best to use a very ripe banana, which in this state provides a lot of important nutrients.
  • Then mix the banana and honey together.
  • Then you prepare the gelatin by mixing the powder with water and then heating it in a water bath until it becomes thick. Heat the orange juice in another vessel, then slowly stir it into the gelatin.
  • Then fill the gelatin into suitable molds that you put in the refrigerator. After 15 to 20 minutes, the gelatin will set and you can prepare it for serving.
  • Put the gelatin on dessert plates and serve with the banana and honey cream.

Bananas have a lot of energy, are high in protein and carbohydrates, and are therefore perfect for getting going. In combination with the vitamin C of the orange you get a very healthy dessert that you should eat at least twice a week.

Mixed drink with oats, pineapple and cinnamon for strong tendons and ligaments

This mixed drink is rich in magnesium, silicon, vitamin C and bromelain. The pineapple owes much of its health-promoting properties to the enzyme bromelain, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and is therefore very beneficial for knee problems. We recommend drinking this mixed drink with breakfast every morning to get the most out of its beneficial properties.

Mixed drink with oats, pineapple and cinnamon for strong tendons and ligaments

Ingredients required

  • 150 g quick-cooking oatmeal
  • 250 ml of water
  • Pineapple juice
  • orange juice
  • 40 g of pure bee honey
  • 7 g cinnamon powder (Ceylon cinnamon)
  • 40 g ground almonds


  • Bring the water to a boil and add the oatmeal. Stir well until the oatmeal is soft. Then you can process the fresh, cut pineapple, orange juice, honey, cinnamon and ground almonds together with the cooked oats in a blender or blender.
  • As soon as you get a homogeneous mixed drink,  you can serve it with ice cubes. You will see how delicious this recipe tastes!

Drink with nettles and lemon for strong tendons and ligaments

The nettle is very popular in the complementary treatment of gout. As it contains important minerals, it can also promote the reconstruction of the cartilage tissue. Along with the beneficial properties of lemon, you get a drink that you can use to strengthen your tendons and ligaments.

Ingredients required

  • 80 g nettles
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 1 liter of water


  • First bring the water to a boil. Then add the fresh or dried nettles and let them boil briefly. Then you let the herb steep for 15 minutes.
  • Pour the tea through a strainer to remove the solids  and transfer it to a glass bottle. Let the tea cool down and then add a splash of lemon juice to taste.
  • If you wish, you can sweeten this drink with two tablespoons of honey.
    • Drink this  drink with nettles and lemon three times a week to  strengthen your tendons and ligaments.

    With these simple recipes you can promote the health of your tendons and ligaments and thus strengthen your knee joints, among other things. This enables you to live an active life and a better quality of life. However, if the pain persists, you should always see a doctor, who can make an accurate diagnosis and recommend the right treatment.

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