About The Importance Of A Hug

You can often say more with a hug than with words

About the importance of a hug

A hug is always good for you, regardless of the reason for donating it: for love, friendship, for comfort, for joy, as a greeting or a farewell gesture.

The only important thing is to allow hugs in our lives and donate them as often as we would like to receive them ourselves.

A hug is universal

We Central Europeans are often referred to as “cold”. And in comparison with southern Europeans and people from even more southern and tropical countries, that may be true.

Our peculiarity of keeping other people at arm’s length at a distance is often mentioned. If a hug is part of everyday life in other countries , it is often a bit too intimate and emotional in our home, especially among older people.

But we should let hugs into our lives more often!


Hug of love

If you love, then hug who you love! Show your love, make hugs your daily ritual. Hug your husband, your children when they come for breakfast in the morning.

Give them a hug when they leave and come back later. Hold them tight, put your heads together, feel your love for one another.

Show your love with such hugs, make it a ritual without which there is neither cocoa nor coffee in the morning and without which nobody leaves or enters the house.

But make sure that these hugs come from the heart, show and share your love between you. Maintain the hugs as a sign of your love in everyday life!


Embrace of friendship

When was the last time you hugged your best friend very tightly? Hold him or her tight to show “I really like you”?

It is not about a fleeting hug as a greeting or goodbye, but a gesture full of feeling that conveys without words how important this friendship is.

How valuable it is that you are there for one another. A gesture that expresses appreciation and affection. It shows “You are important to me”!

Hug for consolation

When a person is looking for comfort, the literal shoulder really helps them cry. Offer it to that person in the form of a hug!

You don’t need to say anything, let the tears run down your shoulder, hold the person tight and show: “I take your grief, your worries seriously, I’m sorry, I want you to be better”.

A hug is so much more comforting than the laying on of a hand or a pitying look. In doing so, you convey things that you could never say with words at such moments. Never underestimate the power of such a gesture!

Hold on to time …

When you hug someone, stop time for a brief moment. Concentrate fully on this hug, be completely with you and in the intimacy of this touch.

Forget everything that happens around you: street noise, announcements, squeaky trains or noisy people. Stop the time, concentrate fully on the hug and save it as a permanent memory, remember the scent, the warmth, the breath, the palpitation of the heart.

Preserve this moment for moments when the other has gone and you are absent. Makes hugs a moment when time stands still and not a hectic moment, a quick goodbye, a quick kiss on the cheek …


The panacea

Use the power of the hug as a panacea in many situations. It also doesn’t hurt to hug the stranger on the tram because she’s crying.

To take the strange child in your arms because they hit their knee. To hold your older relatives tight with a warm, deep and firm hug and to show them “I am here for you”!

Use hugs more and more often to spice up your life with more love and affection, bridge distances between people and emotions with a simple hug.

Sure, some hugs will take some effort, but you will see how much a hug can do!

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