7 Reasons Why You Should Drink Cucumber Juice

The cucumber is one of the most grown vegetables in the world. It can be prepared in many ways and is also beneficial in cosmetics and medicine.

7 reasons you should drink cucumber juice

Do you know why you should drink cucumber juice regularly  ?  Here you can find out more about all the benefits of this annual herb plant, originally native to India, but now planted and eaten all over the world. 

The nutrients in the cucumber

These vegetables are 96% water and contain very few calories (13 kcal per 100 g). The cucumber contains very little sugar, fat and protein, but it is characterized by the following nutrients:

  • Vitamins (C, E, B complex)
  • Minerals (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium)

That is why cucumbers are recommended regularly in the diet. Not only can you use these vegetables in salads, you can also use them to make delicious juices. The neutral taste goes well with other types of fruit or fruit.

A healthy alternative: cucumber juice

People who drink cucumber juice reduce the risk of cancer.

Natural juices are a quick and direct source of vitamins and minerals. They are easily absorbed and digested and provide the body with plenty of fluids. Cucumber juice also has a dehydrating effect and therefore supports the elimination of toxins.

This will keep you fit and healthy. We will then give you seven important reasons why you should drink cucumber juice too  :

1. Cucumber juice helps you lose weight

Although cucumbers are low in calories, they are very filling.

  • This slows down the digestive process and you won’t be hungry for a long time afterwards.
  • You can suppress your appetite and achieve a healthy body weight more easily. 

    Cucumber is also wonderful in combination with other types of fruit or vegetables  to achieve weight loss, detoxify the body and stimulate the metabolism. 

    2. Better digestion

    You can drink cucumber juice to help your digestion.

    Cucumbers contain fiber and water. With enough water, you can reduce the symptoms of heartburn and balance the pH level in your stomach.

    Dietary fiber improves intestinal transit and counteracts constipation.

    3. Cucumber juice gives your body water

    Your body loses water as the day progresses, which can lead to dehydration. Cucumber juice is excellent for making up for water loss. It also contains important mineral salts!

    4. Cucumber juice reduces the risk of cancer

    According to a study published in 2016, the cucurbitacins, lignans, and other ingredients found in cucumber may reduce the risk of cancer. This is because the growth of cancer cells is inhibited.

    While more research is needed in this area, cucumber juice has many benefits and no harm.

    5. It lowers blood pressure

    People who drink cucumber juice lower their blood pressure.

    High blood pressure is known to be dangerous because it increases the risk of heart disease. It is a so-called “silent killer”, since no clear symptoms are noticeable in the initial phase. Prevention is therefore very important.

    Cucumber juice contains fiber, magnesium, and a lot of potassium,  all of which help balance blood pressure. 

    6. It balances the acid-base balance

    Cucumber juice has an alkaline effect and regulates the pH value of the blood. This can prevent premature aging, obesity and cardiovascular diseases, among other things 

    7. Cucumber juice provides vitamin B

    B-complex vitamins are essential for a wide variety of body functions. They regulate the nervous system and are important for  energy production and metabolism. This can therefore also reduce the harmful effects of fear and stress.

    Commercial or homemade juice?

    In the supermarkets there is a large selection of commercial juices that can be consumed directly. However, they contain preservatives and dyes, which are harmful and can also cause allergic reactions. We therefore always recommend homemade, natural juices.

    You now know all the benefits of cucumber juice, and you can benefit from it too. You should drink cucumber juice regularly!

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