These 5 Smoothies Strengthen And Nourish Your Hair

Is your hair shine and dehydrated? Couldn’t you stop hair loss with conventional cures? With these smoothies you can give your hair more nutrients and strength again.

These 5 smoothies strengthen and condition your hair

The care of your hair doesn’t always have to be based on products for external use. There are also smoothies to strengthen the hair. Diet plays a fundamental role in the beauty of your hair!

Various  dietary supplements are very beneficial, but today we recommend smoothies to strengthen hair that  taste great and also improve general health.

1. Smoothie made from spinach, green lettuce and apple

Smoothies to strengthen hair with spinach

This delicious green smoothie contains fiber, amino acids, vitamins and minerals that help strengthen and rebuild damaged hair.

It is also very low in calories, does not cause any digestive problems and detoxifies your hair.


  • 6 spinach leaves
  • 3 green lettuce leaves
  • 1 green apple
  • 1/2 glass of water (100 ml)


  • First wash the vegetables and put them in the blender.
  • Then cut the apple into pieces and add it too. Then the water is added.
  • Then mix everything until the smoothie is creamy.


  • For best results, drink a smoothie daily on an empty stomach.

2. Orange, grapefruit and blueberry smoothie

Smoothies to strengthen hair with orange

This delicious citrus smoothie is particularly suitable if you have problems with hair growth and hair loss.

Because it contains plenty of essential nutrients that promote blood flow to the scalp and strengthen the hair follicles.


  • 4 oranges
  • 3 grapefruits
  • 2 blueberries


  • First squeeze out the oranges and grapefruits.
  • Then put the juice in the blender along with the blueberries and mix everything together.


  • If you drink the smoothie in the morning, at least 3 times a week, you will get the results you want very soon.

3. Smoothie made from carrots, alfalfa and green lettuce

Smoothies to strengthen hair with carrots

In addition to other hair strengthening smoothies , this one is rich in beta-carotene, amino acids and iron, and prevents thin, brittle hair due to anemia.

It also promotes hair growth and compensates for nutritional deficiencies that lead to hair loss and hair breakage.


  • 5 carrots
  • 2 alfalfa
  • 4 romaine lettuce leaves


  • Juice the carrots and then mix the daft with alfalfa and lettuce in a blender.


  • It’s best to drink the smoothie every morning for 2 weeks  .

4. Smoothie made from alfalfa, aloe vera, and green pepper

Smoothies to strengthen hair with alfalfa

For this homemade smoothie, we use ingredients that contain many important antioxidants, proteins and healthy oils that contribute to capillary health.

Toxins in the blood can lead to hair loss and drying out of the hair. That is why it is important to reduce them.


  • 2 tablespoons of alfalfa sprouts (5 g)
  • 1/2 cup aloe vera juice (125 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon green pepper (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon brewer’s yeast (5 g)
  • A glass of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)
  • 1/2 lemon, squeezed


  • First process the alfalfa sprouts, aloe juice, pepper and brewer’s yeast in the blender.
  • Then you can add a glass of water to dilute the mixture. Process the drink until it’s nice and creamy.
  • When you’re done, mix in the honey and lemon juice.
  • Then you can serve the smoothie and drink it immediately.


  • Either you drink the smoothie in small sips on an empty stomach, or in the morning.
  • We also recommend that you drink it at least 3 times a week.

5. Apple, orange and carrot hair strengthening smoothies

Smoothies to strengthen hair with apple and orange

This nutritious smoothie contains various antioxidants that repair hair damage caused by the sun and free radicals.

This breaks down toxins and stimulates collagen and creatine synthesis, making the hair stronger.


  • 3 apples
  • The juice of 3 oranges
  • 3 carrots
  • 1/2 glass of water (100 ml)


  • First wash the apples, cut them into pieces and put them in the blender.
  • Then squeeze out the oranges and cut the carrots into small pieces.
  • Put everything in the blender along with the water and process the ingredients well.
  • As soon as you get an even consistency, you can drink the mixed drink immediately.


  • It is best if you drink this smoothie  3 times a week on an empty stomach.

Is your hair lacking shine and moisture? Or could you not prevent hair loss with conventional cures? Then try these natural hair strengthening smoothies as they give your hair the nutrients it needs and make it stronger.

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