7 Steps To Live Better With Rheumatism

Rheumatism is not curable, but it can be treated well. And there are tricks that make life with rheumatism more bearable

7 steps to live better with rheumatism

Rheumatism affects some people at a young age – children can also suffer from rheumatism . Rheumatism can now be treated quite well, but those affected repeatedly suffer from their illness in everyday life. We give you 7 steps to help you live with rheumatism!

“Rheumatism” is the umbrella term for over 100 different inflammatory joint diseases. Everyone knows the word – and everyone seems to know someone who suffers from “rheumatism”. Statistically, only 0.58-1% of the population suffer from it, because not every joint disease is rheumatism!

In rheumatism, the joints become inflamed. Due to the permanent inflammation, the joints are gradually destroyed and deform in a manner typical for rheumatism. It is important to contain the permanent inflammation and keep it “on a low flame”. The following tips can help you with this.


Early medication

The sooner you start taking the anti-inflammatory drugs your doctor prescribes, the better. As soon as the diagnosis “rheumatism” is made, you really have to do everything you can to keep the inflammation in check for the long term. The medication must be taken regularly and consistently in order to significantly slow down the further progression of the disease!


Inform you!

Health through education ” does not only apply in third world countries, but also for you! You can’t know everything, so do plenty of research about your new illness. Your doctor doesn’t have the time to answer your 1000 questions in detail, so take care of it yourself! There are specialist books in retail that explain everything to do with rheumatism in easy-to-understand language, even for medical laypeople.

But be careful: Please read the cover or the first or last pages beforehand to see whether the book may have been financially supported by someone who is interested in marketing miracle or magic remedies against the disease through books!


Change your diet

It is a fact that foods of animal origin promote inflammatory processes in the body. And that is exactly what must be prevented with rheumatism! Therefore, as far as possible, avoid animal components in your food! You don’t have to switch to a vegan diet right away, but the less animal products you consume, the better for your rheumatism! Be sure to get help from a nutritionist, “just leave out meat, dairy products and eggs” leads to malnutrition! You must already know what you are doing!


Reduce your weight!

Obese people, i.e. those who are very overweight, have high levels of inflammation in their blood even without rheumatism. The body perceives the heavy weight as inflammation and reacts accordingly. If there is also rheumatism, the inflammation parameters increase and instead of slowing down with being overweight, you promote inflammation!

In addition, excessively high body weight puts unnecessary strain on your battered, inflamed joints and promotes their deformation. Just two out of 1000 reasons to aim for a normal weight!


Prefer healthy fats

As mentioned earlier, foods of animal origin promote inflammation. Therefore, you should always use vegetable oils and prefer those that are particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These have been proven to work against inflammation! A lot of omega-3 fatty acids are not only found in fish, but also in very good vegetable oils, such as the domestic oils rapeseed oil, soybean oil, walnut oil and linseed oil.

Accept the disease

It is difficult to be diagnosed with an incurable disease, but it is always better to live with the disease than just exist through the disease. A happy life is also possible with rheumatism! It may not be what you imagined, but if you accept the disease, you can live with it. So stop whining and start living again!

Old people


The diagnosis sounds bad at first, but if you take your prescribed medication regularly and consistently, change your diet, reduce your weight and change your life to suit your illness, then you will soon find that the first shock is over . Be patient with yourself and give yourself time to come to terms with the new life situation!

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