8 Tips On How To Relax And Sleep Better

Restful sleep is the basic requirement for us to feel good during the day. Here are some tips on how to relax and sleep better.

8 tips on how to relax and sleep better

Do you often toss and turn at night because your thoughts keep you from falling asleep? Do you feel drained and like a zombie the next day? In this article, we’ll share 8 tips to help you sleep better. So you are fit for all your activities during the day.

Sleep better with calm thoughts

A creative mind is without question something very special. But it can also get in our way, for example by preventing us from falling asleep. If you worry too much at night or come up with a thousand things, there are a few habits you should change.

In this article, we’ll show you how to calm your mind and sleep better . This helps you to be more efficient and more relaxed during the day.

1. Establish an evening routine

Routine makes you sleep better

The hours before bed are strategically important for falling asleep, so this is where you should pay extra attention. If you keep busy until the last minute before bed, it can be hard to calm your mind. It is advisable to avoid screens, physical activity, work, and study two hours before bedtime.

It takes time for your body and mind to “shut down” after a long day. An evening routine will help you prepare for sleep.

For example, you can read something, do yoga, meditate or take a hot shower. You should also remove your make-up and put on something comfortable to put yourself in a calm mood.

2. Schedule weekly activities

To free your mind from annoying plans before bed, write down what you want to do the next day. This will get rid of the feeling that you have to keep reminding yourself not to forget it. Your brain can switch off better this way.

Another good idea can be a journal in which you simply write down all your thoughts and feelings. Make sure to be very specific as you write it down. If you take a moment each evening to write down your thoughts, you won’t have to spend the night pondering.

3. Make yourself comfortable

Coziness makes you sleep better

Are you too warm or too cold? Are your clothes uncomfortable? Is the tap dripping or is the light too bright? All of these can be factors that disturb your rest.

4. Use your imagination

Imagine something motivating before you fall asleep. You may not think this will really help you, but it clears bad thoughts and makes for nice dreams. For example, imagine walking through a beautiful landscape, swimming in the sea or sitting on a spring meadow with butterflies.

What exactly is so helpful about these ideas?

They will help you focus your thoughts on something positive. Distractions and disturbing thoughts are dispelled in this way. Focus on imagining beautiful moments and avoid those associated with anxiety and stress.

5. Exercise in the afternoon

Exercise makes you sleep better

You shouldn’t do any sport after sunset, because it takes your mind and body a few hours to calm down after a workout.

The best time for a workout is 18 o’clock. If you exercise around this time, you will have plenty of time afterwards to relax, shower, eat, and other things before you go to bed.

Movement releases endorphins in the body. This makes our minds clearer and we sleep better. In addition, the body recovers particularly well in the resting phase after exercise.

6. Don’t read your email just before you go to sleep

Constantly hanging on to your cell phone or computer keeps your brain busy. If you want to relax and sleep better, avoid reading the screen an hour before bed. Because the light from the screen puts your brain in an awake state.

Getting rid of this bad habit can take some time. If you typically watch TV before bed, choose an easy and fun program. In other words, avoid horror or action films and news.

7. Breathe deeply

Breathing makes you sleep better

Even if you don’t normally meditate, targeted breathing can help you relax. If you do it right, your body will calm down and your mind will become clear and light.

  • Sit in the lotus seat or lie on your bed.
  • Turn off the lights and make sure the environment is as quiet as possible,
  • Close your eyes and slowly inhale through your nose.
  • Count to 5 while holding the air in your lungs, then slowly exhale through your mouth.
  • Repeat this breathing exercise 3 or 4 times. After a short time you will feel calmer. Falling asleep will be easier for you now.

8. Drink tea

Herbal teas can be very useful when you can’t switch off. Tea made from chamomile, valerian or linden blossom lets you sleep better.

Drink the herbal tea at least an hour before going to bed. You should also not add sugar, as this can reverse the effects.

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