Good People Do Not Assume The Wickedness Of Others

The wickedness of others should not cause us to change our nature and to distrust everyone around us. You are not to blame, but those who try to take advantage of you.

Good people do not assume the malice of others

Sometimes we are too innocent and fail to see the double-edged intentions, hidden selfishness, or malice wrapped in gift wrap and kind gestures.

Malice , or rather betrayal or self-interest, are the order of the day.

“Think bad and it will be true,” many believe. But good people or those who prefer to see the good qualities of others approach their fellow men in a completely different way.

A noble heart always sees the good side of people  and prefers to indulge, to give second chances and to trust. That is why they are usually disappointed more than once in life.

Today we invite you to reflect on this subject with us.

Hidden malice and selfishness in disguise

Psychologist and researcher Howard Gardner recently surprised the media with a comment that traveled the world.

The well-known Harvard professor and expert on human intelligence  found that bad people never get good at work. You can be successful, but you can never be outstanding.

For Gardner, good people are those who do not seek recognition, but find their motivation in their work to do good to the community. A person with this vision and this feeling can achieve extraordinary things in their job.

This is also the case in the private sphere and in relationships. You can only become an extraordinary person if you look after the other’s well-being and show mutual respect.

Those who do not open up emotionally and only act in their own interest  cannot build bonds, no bridges that strengthen relationships. 

In addition, people with good and noble intentions usually fail to recognize the bad intentions of others.

sad woman

Hidden interest

Various scientific studies carried out by the psychologist Robert Feldman at the University of Massachusetts (USA) show that  around 60% of people lie on average three times a day. 

  • This also includes omissions, exaggerations and serious falsehoods that pursue a selfish interest. One can conclude that there are white lies and great falsehoods, the latter being the most destructive.
  • Hidden interest is that which aims at certain goals and does not doubt using wrong behaviors to achieve them.
  • Human behavior experts point out that we all seek some kind of advantage in our fellow human beings.

Usually, however, one expects respect, appreciation, affection, love, friendship … qualities that one always freely and voluntarily bestows on others.

Individuals who hide malice in their hearts and are selfish manipulate others to achieve their intentions.

This creates a  dissonance between the true feelings and the actions that are carried out.  The behavior cannot always be foreseen and usually good people do not become suspicious.

A noble heart does not start from wrong interests

The reasons why many good-hearted people, who show trust and respect and are often altruistic, openly approach others without suspecting false interests are as follows:

  • Malice and selfishness are usually hidden by behaviors that do not make it easy to identify these negative traits.
  • Good people show great empathy. This means in particular that they can empathize with other people, understand their emotions, sadness, joy, needs and worries.
  • The human brain cannot normally empathize with malice or selfishness, which is why they are not recognized immediately.
  • It should not be forgotten that when someone wants something, they try very skillfully and subtly to achieve it by practicing the art of manipulation and deception.

Usually these people arouse warmth, tenderness, friendship and  other positive emotions in us, which cause us to get caught in their webs.

It is undoubtedly a very complex process.



  • Very often good people are disappointed. Almost no one has an internal radar that can detect malice or ambiguous intent.
  • Therefore, the disappointment is usually greater: The pain caused by the fraud leads to disappointment, plus a negative feeling about yourself because the danger was not recognized early.
  • But before one tortures oneself with these destructive thoughts by taking everything too personally,  one should consider what happened as an experience and a learning process.

Disappointments serve to open our eyes, but should not close our hearts. Otherwise we are no longer ourselves and we cannot allow that.

Don’t let the behavior of others force you to be someone you are not!

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