What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Water On An Empty Stomach?

Four glasses of water in the morning on an empty stomach is an easy way to promote general health. It is advisable to get your body used to it slowly, you will soon feel the benefits.

What happens to your body when you drink water on an empty stomach?

Drinking water on an empty stomach is very common in various cultures, for example most Japanese people are used to it.

Of course, genetics also play a role, but this habit is undoubtedly a good aid in maintaining an adequate body weight and promoting general health.

Water on an empty stomach can prevent a wide variety of ailments. In contrast to Japan, obesity and related problems such as diabetes are serious problems in many countries.

But how does the water work in the morning on an empty stomach? Then you will find the answer to that question.

Discharge of pollutants


Water naturally stimulates bowel movements. During the night, the organism carries out various regenerative processes in order to rid the body of harmful substances.

If you have a  drink right after you get up in the morning , these pollutants can be excreted better,  which is good for your health.

Drinking plenty of water also stimulates the production of new muscle cells and blood cells. In this way, too, the discharge of pollutants can be promoted.

Improve metabolism


Water on an empty stomach can increase your metabolism by at least 24%. If you are on a strict diet, an accelerated metabolism means the digestive system is working to your advantage.

This will make it easier for you to lose weight. If you have a drink right after getting up, you can also help cleanse the colon.

This habit also improves the absorption of nutrients.

Healthy weight loss

  • As mentioned earlier, drinking water on an empty stomach makes it easier to get rid of pollutants and improves the digestive system.
  • You will be less hungry  and you can also suppress cravings for unhealthy snacks more easily.
  • At the same time, you can prevent weight gain as you will eat less.

Relieves heartburn and indigestion

Digestive problems usually arise from over-acidification of the stomach. If you have it regularly, water on an empty stomach can also be of great help.

This suppresses the acids in the stomach and can be dissolved. That’s how fast you can solve this problem.

In addition, the stomach is well prepared for breakfast.

More beautiful complexion

Lack of fluids is one of the main causes of premature wrinkling and open skin pores. For this reason, it is advisable to drink enough water in the morning.

With 2 glasses on an empty stomach  you can stimulate blood circulation in the skin,  which in turn results in a radiant complexion.

On the other hand, it removes harmful substances, so you can prevent skin blemishes.

Healthy and shiny hair


A lack of water not only has negative effects on the skin, it also affects the hair. Therefore, you should drink enough water to maintain your head of hair.

About a quarter of the total weight of the hair consists of water. This means  that with adequate hydration, you can prevent brittle hair.

If you already drink a few glasses in the morning on an empty stomach, you can significantly improve the appearance of your hair in a short time and without great effort.

Prevention against kidney stones and bladder infections

Water on an empty stomach is very important for kidney and bladder health.

Getting hydrated in the morning makes it easier to dissolve acids that can lead to kidney stones.

If you drink enough, you can also protect your body from infectious diseases that  can arise when pollutants build up in the bladder.

Reading tip: 6 reasons why you should drink cucumber water every day

Strong immune system from water on an empty stomach

Water also supports a balanced lymphatic system, thus strengthening the immune system.

A healthy immune system protects you from a wide variety of diseases!


It’s simple:  immediately after getting up, before you eat something or brush your teeth, you drink three to four glasses of water. Then you wait at least 45 minutes before you have breakfast.

You should also drink water at least 30 minutes before the other main meals. After eating, however, it is advisable to wait 2 hours with the next glass of water.

Four glasses of water on an empty stomach may seem like a lot, but the benefits from which you too can benefit are worthwhile.

Start with little and gradually increase the amount so the body can get used to it.

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