What Does Your Eye Color Reveal?

In iridology it is assumed that the color of the eyes can indicate weak points that could lead to complaints and quirks.

What does your eye color reveal?

In iridology or iris diagnostics, the state of health or the risk of certain diseases is diagnosed based on the color of the iris and other features of the eyes. What does your eye color reveal about you?

All signs that the eye reveals are examined (iris, lens, the whites of the eyes, etc.), whereby various things can be determined based on the color alone and certain risks or defects can be diagnosed.

In iridology, the color of the eyes can be used to read various diseases that can arise from genetic predisposition.

However, these can be prevented through adequate care, nutrition, etc. The iris does not give a definitive diagnosis but only indications for better health care and prevention.

If you already have a health problem or have any doubts, you can consult a specialist in the field so that they can make a correct diagnosis.

In this post, you will learn more about the general characteristics that can be determined from eye color. These are divided into three broad groups: 

Blue and gray eyes

People with blue or gray eyes are prone to  having sore throats, nose and hearing problems. This is why they often suffer from colds, for example.

They are generally sensitive to respiratory problems, gastrointestinal mucosal problems, kidney problems, and joint problems.

If the iris has many small whitish lines, it is a sign of   an irritated nervous system. This can lead to nervousness, anxiety, muscle spasms, and the somatization of states of mind through physical symptoms.

In this case, relaxing medicinal herbs, Bach flowers or homeopathic remedies as well as regular exercise or sport are highly recommended.

blue eyes

Brown and dark eyes

This group includes light to dark brown and almost black eyes.

Generally these are people with  problems related to the blood and the metabolism of minerals  (such as calcium, iron, iodine, etc.).

In the case of brown or dark eyes, it is therefore advisable to take  special care of the circulatory system, liver, bone marrow and spleen.

Obesity, thyroid and hormonal disorders can also develop over time. Therefore, the liver should also be cared for as a precaution.

Often people with brown or dark eyes do not have any symptoms in their youth, but from the age of 25 – 30 they start with poor blood tests: elevated cholesterol levels, anemia, etc.

Since symptoms often only appear later, those affected usually do not pay attention to a healthy diet, which can worsen the problems over time.

We recommend grooming yourself and exercising regularly to keep your circulatory system healthy. You can also take specific nutritional supplements.

Individuals with light brown, hazel eyes  are also prone to digestive and breathing difficulties. You should regularly help the organism to excrete toxins and pay attention to healthy eating habits.

Brown eyes

Mixed constitution (greenish to brown eye color)

This group includes all colors that are a mixture of the above: greenish-brownish but also green eyes. In order to be able to interpret the genetic predisposition  , lighter colors are assigned to the first group and darker colors to the second group. 



To check how reliable the iris diagnosis is, you can  watch the eyes of your family and friends, as well as your own eyes, of course. 

Do not forget, however, that the development of diseases is also closely related to personal care, nutrition, etc.

You can also notice changes in the color of the iris over time,  which usually get a little darker as more toxins gradually accumulate in the organism.

This post can be interesting, curious and also helpful. However, if you want to learn more about this diagnostic method, you should seek help from an expert who is  capable of obtaining various information about your health from the eyes.

Images provided by neuroticcamel, Jenn Durfey and starbooze


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