A Simple Trick Against Bad Smells In Drainpipes

Make sure that no food remains in the drain, which can decompose and cause bad smells. You should also check that the seals are in perfect condition.

Simple trick against bad smells in drainpipes

If there are unpleasant smells coming from  drain pipes in the kitchen or bathroom, it’s time to do something about it.

This can happen even though the sinks are cleaned daily, but when it is hot or rainy and residues collect in the pipes, bad smells can develop in them.

Many people resort to sprays or air fresheners for quick relief, but these only work for a short time and soon the unpleasant smell will reappear.

There are a variety of chemicals available on the market  that can be dumped down drainpipes to remove clogs  and bad smells.

But these are highly polluting and also harmful to health.

However, there are  excellent natural alternatives that are inexpensive  and produce good results.

Today we’re going to show you a simple trick you can use to get rid of the unpleasant odors in drainpipes . Try this trick yourself!

Why do bad smells arise in the drainpipes?

Before we explain the promised trick in more detail, it is good to know the  causes of unpleasant smells and how they can be avoided.

These almost always arise from bad habits that are on the agenda, although we are not aware that these have a lot to do with the unpleasant smell.

Dish soap and soap


Continuous use of detergent and soap will cause grease to build up in the drainpipes. The fat gradually breaks down and can cause a bad odor.

While this is very difficult to prevent, a quality product can minimize the problems.

Standing water

There is stagnant water in some areas of the drainpipes where bacteria and fungi can collect.

While it’s next to impossible to prevent this, you can try  cleaning the pipes regularly to keep the microorganisms from spreading.

Seals of the drainage pipes


The seals of the pipes or the toilet, faucets and sinks  are damaged by moisture and mold over time.

The result is an unpleasant silicone smell that mixes with the smell produced by the bacteria.

Old pipes

Old drainpipes can not only be damaged over time, they also provide  the best environment for yeasts and bacteria.

The stale water, along with the remains that accumulate in it, form layers that can clog the pipes.

Leftover food


Attention! Food residues that end up in the sewer pipes  are one of the most common causes of bad smells and clogged pipes!

This is why it is very important to use a strainer to catch the residue that ends up in the sink when washing dishes, for example.

Trick against bad smells in drainpipes

Home remedies

Now that you know the possible causes of the unpleasant odor, it is time to learn about the natural means by which it can be eliminated.

To do this, baking soda and vinegar are combined,  both are environmentally friendly and help to remove fungus, accumulated fat and other odor-causing substances.


  • 1/2 glass of baking soda (100 g)
  • 1 glass of white vinegar (200 g)
  • 1/2 liter of hot water

How is that done?

  • First, bring the water to a boil.
  • As soon as the water boils, add the vinegar and mix both ingredients well.
  • In the meantime, you sprinkle the baking soda into the drainpipe that you want to clean.
  • Then you take the mixture off the stove and pour it down the drain pipe.
  • The mixture with the baking soda then creates a chemical reaction in the pipe like an effervescent tablet.
  • Then put a lid on the tube and let the home remedy work for at least an hour.
  • It is even better if the remedy can work all night.
  • Repeat this trick once a week to keep bad odors out.

This home remedy is inexpensive and very effective for keeping drain pipes clean. At the same time, you can do without aggressive products and thus protect the environment.

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