How Do You Recognize An Inflamed Liver?

Do you know that if you wake up between one and three o’clock in the night for no reason, this can indicate liver problems.

The liver is particularly susceptible to poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyle habits such as stress. How do you recognize an inflamed liver.

Emotional problems or environmental pollution, for example, also affect the liver. The consequences of this can show up in a wide variety of ways: vision problems, crow’s feet, circulatory disorders, digestive problems, springtime tiredness, etc.

In this post you will learn more about how to recognize an inflamed liver in order to treat it naturally and prevent diseases and improve your quality of life.

Inflamed liver: vision problems

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is said  that the liver is directly related to vision problems because they are both on the same meridian. 

There are, of course, genetic factors and many other possible causes of eye problems, but if you experience visual disturbances (e.g. nearsightedness, astigmatism, presbyopia, etc.) your liver should also be checked.


Insomnia between 1 and 3

Each organ is particularly active at different times and is regenerated in the process. In this way, the organs are naturally protected from diseases.

The liver regenerates between 1 and 3 a.m. If you often perk up during this time for no apparent reason, it is possible that your liver is not working properly.

However, you must also note that a late or lavish dinner can negatively affect the night’s sleep.

Crow’s feet

The wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and under the eyes can also be associated with liver weakness and eye problems. So if you already have a lot of wrinkles around the eyes prematurely, you  should have the liver examined as a precaution.

If you want to prevent premature wrinkling, you need to look after yourself not only externally but also internally.

Circulatory problems – signs of an inflamed liver

Blood circulation and liver are also closely related. The liver cleanses the blood and is therefore also responsible for proper blood flow. Anyone who  suffers from varicose veins or hemorrhoids  should therefore also have an examination whether the liver functions are functioning properly.

Bad digestion

The liver also forms part of the digestive system and is particularly responsible for digesting fats. This requires the bile that is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder.

So when it comes to digestion, Abraham, A. (1933). INDIGESTION. The Lancet. It is beneficial to eat fewer large portions but more often  so that the liver can work better.

It is also recommended to add a little lemon juice to the food so that the fats can be digested better.

In addition  , constipation can also be related to the liver, among other things.


Menstrual irregularities

Since the liver is also responsible for blood purification and correct blood flow, it is not surprising that liver problems can also lead to menstrual disorders: for example  pain, premenstrual symptoms, irregularities, etc. 

Abdominal pain – a sign of an inflamed liver

The digestive disorders can also lead to  gas and pressure on the abdomen,  especially a pressing pain over the ribs on the right side, exactly where the liver is located, is typical.

When the liver is inflamed, it pushes outward and causes discomfort.


Migraines can have a number of causes, but many of them are related to  indigestion and liver overload. 

In this case, the migraine often occurs with menstruation, excessive eating or drinking, or exposure to toxic substances (such as tobacco smoke, pollution, etc.).

Migraines  can result from overexertion of the liver to rid the organism of harmful substances. 

Spring fatigue

Many feel abnormally tired in the spring, with daily chores requiring more effort than usual. If it does at this time of year, there may also be a relationship with the liver that should be strengthened through natural remedies such as green juices.

Images provided by neuroticcamel and elle_ann

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