Natural Creams Against Wrinkles On The Forehead

The natural creams presented here not only repair the damage caused by free radicals, but also stimulate skin regeneration and the production of elastin

Natural creams for wrinkles on the forehead

Among the blemishes that cause us the most headaches – and frowns – are wrinkles, especially wrinkles on the forehead.

The loss of skin elasticity is a sign of aging and therefore something completely normal, but we try to delay it as much as possible.

Wrinkles on the forehead are one of the earliest wrinkles to appear. It starts with flat, horizontally running wrinkles, but these become increasingly visible.

Sometimes they even give us an expression that suggests we are angry or scared.

Our facial skin is exposed to a multitude of environmental factors that affect it for many hours a day. Experienced emotions such as anger and anger are also reflected on our foreheads.

The reason for the loss of elasticity in the skin and thus for the appearance of forehead wrinkles is the resulting reduced production of the connective tissue fibers collagen and elastin.

Fortunately, we now have many products that can reduce wrinkles and help the skin regain its firmness and youth.

At this point we want you some alternatives imagine that you produced from natural resources at home can prevent the wrinkles on the forehead.

They contain a variety of healthy ingredients that can be used to regenerate the skin. They are easy to prepare and all ingredients are readily available and inexpensive.

Natural cream made from petroleum jelly and egg against wrinkles on the forehead


This natural cream supplies your skin with essential moisture so that the production of collagen and elastin can be increased and sagging skin regains its firmness.

We combine petroleum jelly with egg yolks, honey and olive oil, ingredients that are rich in antioxidants and healthy fatty acids, thus promoting skin health.


  • 2 teaspoons of natural petroleum jelly (10 g)
  • 1 egg yolk
  • a teaspoon honey (8 g)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (10 ml)


  • Put the petroleum jelly in a bowl, then melt it in a double boiler.
  • Once it’s runny, you can then add the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything well before the petroleum jelly solidifies again.
  • This cream can then be easily stored in a glass jar.

type of application

  • Then spread the cream in gentle massages on all skin areas to be treated. Take 15 minutes to do this and then apply some pressure with your fingertips.
  • Then leave it on for 30 minutes for good results.
  • We recommend that you apply the cream  before bed, at least five times a week.
  • You can then easily make them part of your daily beauty regimen.

Cream made from cucumber, cream and clay


The cucumber has been used in beauty care for a long time and has not lost any of its popularity to this day. It is particularly suitable for skin care because it cleanses the skin, makes it easier to remove dead cells and provides the skin with moisture.

The cream presented here strengthens these properties of the cucumber with those of other natural ingredients such as cream, clay and honey.

All of these remedies help repair damage made by free radicals so that the face appears young and healthy.


  • ½ cucumber
  • 5 tbsp heavy cream (50 ml)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (10 ml)
  • one tablespoon of clay (10 g)
  • 1 tbsp bee honey (25 g)


  • Slice the cucumber, but don’t peel it. Then put them in the blender along with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Then work everything into a homogeneous, viscous paste, which shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

type of application

  • Cleanse your face, then apply the cream in a thin layer, especially on your forehead.
  • Then leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water.
  • Then repeat this treatment  at least three times a week.

Cream of carrots and yogurt against wrinkles on the forehead

Face mask

Carrots contain vitamin A, which is essential for rebuilding collagen and regenerating the skin. This is how damage caused by free radicals can be repaired.

Yogurt is moisturizing and contains lactic acid, which can be used to regulate the pH of the skin. If the pH value of the skin is in balance, the skin can shine young and healthy.


  • 2 carrots
  • ¼ cup natural yogurt (60 g)
  • ½ lemon


  • Peel the carrots, then cut them into small pieces. Then put these pieces in the blender along with the yogurt.
  • Add the juice of half a lemon and then blend everything into a cream.

type of application

  • Spread a generous amount of this mixture over your forehead and then over the rest of your face where you want to prevent wrinkles.
  • Then leave the mask on for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • It is best to apply the mask  every day, but at least five times a week.

The effects of these natural creams are then not immediately visible, but should definitely be noticeable after a few applications. It is important to show patience and discipline in order to achieve the desired results and to reduce the wrinkles on the forehead.

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