Is It Harmful To Shower Every Day?

If you shower several times a day, the oils that form a protective barrier on the skin are removed. Try not to shower too hot and use natural soaps.

Is it harmful to shower every day?

Again and again it is controversial: how often should you shower? Is once a day just right or is it already too much? Isn’t the “bath on Saturday” from grandma’s day better than showering every day? Is it harmful to the skin to shower every day? We will then clarify these questions.

Personal hygiene through the ages

In grandma’s time

In grandma’s day it was a matter of course to bathe only once a week.

The water was heated on the stove and mixed with cold water in a bathtub. Then the whole family was allowed to bathe in the same bath water – a change of water was not planned!

Most of the time, this bath took place on Saturday so that the family would be clean on Sunday for going to church.

Until the end of the last millennium, it was not customary in old farmhouses in Germany to have a bathroom in the house; the bathroom was often in a chamber in the courtyard and was therefore rarely used.

A bathroom only became standard in every house with the nationwide connection to the electricity and water supply. This also changed our hygiene habits.

Personal hygiene today

Today it is common for the younger generations to shower at least once a day .

The bathtub is no longer standard in all bathrooms; the morning shower has replaced the Saturday bath. Some people think they have to shower more often. But this can also be harmful!

Is It Harmful to Shower Every Day?

skin protection

Our skin is our largest organ. And she wants to be protected! Daily showering can dry them out, as their natural protective film is removed with each shower.

The skin is able to protect itself. We also have sebum glands, our skin can take care of itself. But if we wash off our natural skin oil with shower gel or soap every day, the skin’s balance is disturbed.

It begins to feel tense, itchy, and may even redden and flake. Therefore, if you want to shower every day, you should use moisturizing, pH-neutral and skin-friendly soaps and shower gels.

It also makes sense to only apply soap to those parts of the body that have actually gotten dirty: our feet, under the armpits, on the face or other exposed areas.

The intimate area has its own acidic bacterial flora, which is best cleaned only with clear water.

Is it harmful to shower every day?

Water temperature

The water temperature is also crucial. A hot shower is relaxing, but it damages the skin the longer you let the water run over it.

A hot bath with a moisturizing and skin-caring additive is better than showering with hot water for “hours”.

The full bath

A full bath relaxes the muscles and for many is the epitome of relaxation. Adding a bubble bath turns it into a fun, fragrant experience .

Often, however, foaming bath additives are rich in surfactants that dry out the skin considerably. This should be viewed as critical, especially when the bath water is hot. A bath additive that is highly moisturizing and nourishing is the better alternative.

Then there is little to say against an occasional full bath.

Is it necessary to take a shower every day?

Many claim that a daily shower is an essential must. If our skin could choose, it would be against it!

For normal work (sitting down, for example in the office), it is enough to just wash instead of showering every day.

So you can postpone the shower intervals to every two days and really do your skin good!

Those who sweat a lot or do sports do not have to completely lather their entire body, wash off with warm water and are gentle on the skin! 

Is it harmful to shower every day?

Shower in the morning AND in the evening?

Those who shower or bathe in the morning and in the evening are not doing themselves any good in any way. The skin suffers the greatest damage, the water bill is the next negative effect.

If you want to shower several times a day to refresh yourself in midsummer, you should do so with as cold water as possible and as briefly as possible. This is best for your skin and your wallet.

Individuality is important

The personal shower behavior of an individual is always shaped by the personal skin properties, the degree of activity and soiling .

If the skin is naturally sensitive, you should consider whether you really need to shower every day.

If you work physically and sweat a lot or if you have daily contact with dust or other sources of pollution, it can even make sense to shower several times a day.

But one thing is always the same: you should never overdo it with personal hygiene!

Because our skin is basically able to care for itself, body lotion and co are mostly only on sale because we think we have to shower (too) often!

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