Recipe For A Green Smoothie For Weight Loss

Ginger stimulates the production of gastric juices and improves intestinal peristalsis. If you have digestive problems, however, this smoothie is better prepared without this sharp root.

Recipe for a green smoothie for weight loss

Mixed drinks are very popular because they not only taste delicious, but are also very healthy and can help you lose weight. We therefore recommend today a recipe for a  green smoothie that  provides many important nutrients at the same time.

In this  green smoothie  we use apple, ginger and cucumber, all of which have different health benefits and stimulate metabolism.

However, keep in mind that it is not a magic bullet,  even if it will make it easier to lose weight. Without further measures, however, you will not achieve your desired goal.

It is an additional aid that can support a healthy diet and sufficient exercise.

Ingredients for the green smoothie

The natural smoothie made from apple, cucumber and ginger is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which are very important for a healthy diet.

Then we’ll tell you the benefits of each ingredient used in this weight-reducing drink.

The Apple

Apple for a green smoothie

The daily apple promotes numerous aspects of health. This fruit is  low in calories and fat, but rich in vitamins, minerals  and fiber.

It has long been known that apples have  a positive influence on metabolism  and digestion.

Dietary fiber is one of the most important active ingredients in apples, because they regulate the digestive process and ensure a pleasant feeling of fullness, which prevents the ingestion of excess calories.

Apples also help with fluid retention and bad cholesterol, which can make losing weight more difficult.

The cucumber

The cucumber contains mostly water and is therefore used in many weight loss diets.

As is known, water activates and keeps your metabolism going to burn more calories.

But that’s not all: The cucumber also contains valuable plant substances , flavonoids, vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients that  rid the body of harmful substances and also help with weight loss.

The ginger

Ginger for weight loss

Ginger also helps with weight management in several ways.

For example, it reduces inflammation and sensitivity to glucose, which make it difficult to break down calories.

In addition, it ensures a pleasant feeling of satiety. This can prevent excessive ingestion of food.

Ginger also has digestive properties. It stimulates the production of gastric juices, strengthens the intestinal muscles and improves intestinal peristalsis.

It is believed that the active ingredients gingerol and shogaol activate the metabolism and  promote the ability to break down energy and burn fat.


The preparation is very simple and all ingredients are easily available. Do you feel like enjoying all the benefits of this drink?


  • 1 green apple
  • a cucumber
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger (3 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Step 1. Peel and cut the cucumber.
  • Step 2. Peel the apple.
  • Step 3. Remove the core of the apple and cut it.
  • Step 4. Put everything in the stand mixer or blender.
  • Step 5. Add the grated ginger.
  • Step 6. Add a glass of water.
  • Step 7. Mix everything together.
  • Step 8. Serve and drink fresh.

To improve results,  we recommend drinking this freshly made smoothie on an empty stomach,  as this is how the nutrients work best.

Do not forget…

Ginger is not suitable for people with active digestive problems. These include, for example, the following diseases:

  • Ulcers
  • gastritis
  • Colitis
  • Crohn’s disease

If you suffer from any of these diseases, you can make this green smoothie without ginger.

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