Detoxify Your Body!

We ingest a lot of toxins through many environmental influences and especially through food. That is why it is important to detoxify the body regularly. Everything you need to know in this article.

Detoxify Your Body!

When is it time to detoxify the body ? It would be like the whole world running past you. Your body does not answer you, you feel sluggish and limp, you are tired, listless and you would like to hide yourself somewhere.

But it’s not you! You would like to regain the energy that has been gone for a few days …

Before thinking of serious illnesses or feeling depressed, think about what happened to your body. Are you eating an unbalanced diet? Have you been exposed to toxic substances? Do you take dietary supplements without knowing exactly what they contain?

Maybe it is time to detoxify your body . Toxins may have built up. And what is the best way to do that? In the article below, you will find 10 recommendations on how to detoxify the body.

Why should we detoxify our body?

Our bodies are constantly exposed to toxins and dirt: factories emit toxic substances into the atmosphere, cosmetic products contain too much chemicals, our food is grown with pesticides, etc. So it is very difficult to stay away from all these toxins. Unfortunately, these toxins quickly accumulate in our body and can no longer be removed by themselves.

The digestive system provides energy and communicates with the other body systems. That is why a natural, healthy diet is important. There are two ways to detoxify our body:

Fasting with liquid

If you enjoy drinking fruit juices and you have no problem following a diet for a few days, then you will like this method.  The daily meals are replaced with liquids like water, vegetable broth, fruit juices and teas. Not only does this procedure help rid the body of toxins, it also breaks down dead cells, keeps the skin young, and re-energizes the body. Before you start this new adventure, however, you should consult a doctor so that he can advise you and avoid complications.

Enrichment and replacement of the daily diet

This method replaces unhealthy foods with healthier, detoxifying foods. This will quickly make you feel fit and healthy.  You should make this diet a habit. If you want, you can eat only detoxifying foods for a few days. Green vegetables, fruits, seeds, whole grains, and lean meat are recommended. In addition, you should always drink plenty of water.

We promised you 10 tips on how to detoxify your body. Choose, combine and detox your body!

10 tips to detoxify the body

Recommendation 1: lemon juice

Detoxify the body with lemon juice

The lemon is also known as the fruit of a thousand uses, and this is no coincidence. It has excellent properties and therefore this fruit should not be missing in a natural detoxification.  Lemon juice disinfects wounds, purifies the blood, cleanses the liver and kidneys, strengthens the bronchi and makes our nerves more resilient.

A spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice in a glass of warm water is great for ridding our bodies of toxins. This miracle drug also helps with a sore throat. It is best to drink a glass of it on an empty stomach. It is enough if you mix your daily water with a little lemon juice. You will soon see positive changes.

Recommendation 2: orange juice

The orange is the fruit of the sun: tasty and energizing. It contains a large amount of vitamins A, B2, B1, B6 and C as well as a number of minerals. Have a glass of fresh orange juice for breakfast and your body will fill with life. In this way the digestive tract is cleaned and the blood circulation is stimulated.

Recommendation 3: grapes

The grape is one of the best detoxifying foods. This delicious fruit should therefore definitely be on your menu. It contains vitamin B and potassium and helps us with a number of diseases such as rheumatism, gout, osteoarthritis, kidney problems, high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. Grapes also have a mild laxative effect and at the same time help with diarrhea and hemorrhoids. Eat grapes!

Recommendation 4: beetroot

Beetroot provides folic acid, iron and vitamin A. It is also said to cure osteoporosis and help with anemia, anorexia and anxiety disorders. It eliminates uric acid, alleviates menopausal symptoms and prevents fibroids from developing. If you consume beetroot at least three times a week, it will have a beneficial effect on the health of your blood and the whole body will be naturally cleansed.

Recommendation 5: apple

Detoxify the body with apples

The consumption of apples is recommended for everyone who wants to lose a few pounds. Why? The high fiber content makes them ideal for detoxifying our body. They also contain a large amount of potassium and vitamins E and C. These fruits act as light laxatives and cleanse our bodies, reduce blood cholesterol, and control high blood pressure and diabetes. Therefore: eat an apple a day and you will feel healthy and fit.

Recommendation 6: peach

This fruit is low in calories and therefore good for weight loss. It has a slightly laxative and diuretic effect and provides our body with vitamins A, B1, B2 and C. You can either enjoy the fruit raw or make a tea from it. To do this, take a washed fruit, cut it and put it in boiling water. Then let it boil for a minute and you have your tea. Drink two cups a day on an empty stomach. In this way you detoxify your body, moisturize the skin and renew the tissues.

Recommendation 7: strawberries

A fruit can be so tasty and healthy! It provides our body iron, folic acid, salicylic acid and vitamin C. But that is not all. Consuming strawberries also lowers uric acid (which can lead to gout) and lowers cholesterol. Strawberries have detoxifying, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. They are also used for medicinal purposes in the case of anemia and diabetes. Enjoy strawberries every day and that’s how you keep yourself healthy.

Recommendation 8: cucumber

The cucumber is refreshing and healthy, it moisturizes our skin and is good for general health. It also helps with gall and kidney stones, the prostate and to strengthen the nervous system. Cucumbers are best enjoyed naturally. Wash the vegetables well, you can peel them as you like and add a little lemon juice.

Recommendation 9: pineapple

Here we are dealing with the Queen of Fruits! It is ideal if we want to lose a few pounds and detoxify our body. In addition, the pineapple contains a lot of fiber and vitamin C, stimulates digestion, activates the intestines and combats parasites. You can eat the pineapple fresh or make fruit juice. You will soon feel younger with regular consumption. The best way to eat pineapple for breakfast is on an empty stomach.

Recommendation 10: Whole grain cereals

Detoxify the body with whole grains

Foods high in fiber naturally fight toxins. Always choose the whole grain variant for cereals and you will not regret it. In addition, products made from whole grains contain many antioxidants and are more nutritious than cereals made from white flour.

Finally, one more tip

Choose one of the presented methods to get closer to your goal. A healthy diet is essential for a healthy life. Enjoy delicious juices and try new salad combinations. Your body will thank you!

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