Light Lemonade Made From Cucumber, Ginger And Mint

Homemade lemonade and flavored water are excellent for providing the body with sufficient fluids every day in a pleasant and healthy way.

Light lemonade made from cucumber, ginger and mint

This light lemonade contains excellent health-promoting ingredients: the combination of cucumber, ginger and mint not only has a refreshing effect, it also helps against excess belly fat.

However, this drink has many more benefits. You can learn more about it in this post.

Light lemonade


The ingredients for this delicious and light lemonade are:

  • 2 liters of water
  • A medium-sized cucumber
  • A lemon
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
  • 10 leaves of fresh mint or peppermint

Peel the cucumber and cut it into fine slices, then put it in a jug with the water. Wash the lemon (preferably organic) well and also cut into thin slices, add to the water with the grated ginger and herbs.

Let the lemonade steep in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours, but preferably all night. The lemonade is served cool and with a few ice cubes as needed. With this recipe you cover your daily need for water.

This means that you will no longer find it difficult to drink enough liquid, simply fill it in a bottle and take it with you everywhere.


Properties of the cucumber

The cucumber contains a lot of water (96%) and is therefore ideal for weight loss. It contains only 20 kcal per 100 g, which makes it very useful against obesity. Added to this are their detoxifying properties, so this vegetable also helps with edema.

The cucumber is used for purification cures, against water retention and gout. It cleanses the intestines and rebuilds the intestinal lining. However, it is not recommended if you have diarrhea, a sensitive stomach or flatulence.

This type of vegetable protects the stomach walls and regulates the intestinal flora.


Properties of ginger

Ginger is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory natural products and is very popular in Chinese medicine.

This sharp root helps with osteoarthritis as well as intestinal and respiratory problems. However, due to its spiciness, ginger should be consumed in moderation and in combination with other foods.

Ginger is rich in vitamins, minerals, oils, amino acids and antioxidants and therefore very beneficial to health.

It helps with  menstrual or rheumatic problems, flu and runny nose, has an expectorant effect and improves blood flow and thus prevents heart diseases.

Ginger is also suitable for dizziness, stimulates the libido and acts as an antidepressant. This root also helps with stress and migraines by blocking prostaglandins.

Ginger can also be used to prevent premature aging and certain types of cancer – such as colon or ovarian cancer. It also has a digestive effect.


Properties of mint

Mint prevents intestinal cramps and gas and has a pain reliever. This herb has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and is therefore also excellent for the respiratory tract, skin and mucous membranes.

As a tea or drink, mint has a relaxing effect, improves sleep and relaxation. In this way, symptoms of stress can be reduced and the muscles relaxed. The stomach is also spared with mint, it is excellent for digestive problems.


Mint contains ascorbic acid, which promotes the expulsion of mucus, and mentol, a strong decongestant that is highly recommended for the respiratory tract. This herb is also helpful for lowering fever, as it stimulates sweat production.

Mint is used for asthma, colds, diarrhea, gas, and Crohn’s disease because it relieves intestinal irritation. Vomiting and intestinal colic are reduced, blood flow is improved and bad breath is prevented.

Properties of lemon

Lemon has a very high vitamin C content and is therefore indispensable for colds and colds and to improve the body’s defenses. In addition, with ingestion toxins are disposed of and bacteria are fought.

Lemon is highly recommended for hoarseness, pneumonia, bronchitis, flu, asthma, tonsillitis or pleurisy. Lemon strengthens the blood vessels and promotes wound healing from within.

This citrus fruit is also excellent as a preventive measure against high blood pressure.


Lemon is rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, iron and sodium, as well as in vitamins of the B group and therefore helps against edema or heart failure, for example.

It also has an antipyretic effect and helps regulate blood sugar levels as well as kidney, stomach and biliary functions. Lemon also prevents kidney or bile deposits and also helps to dissolve them.

With anemia, rickets, inflammation of the gums, tooth decay, canker sores, wounds, insomnia, acidosis, chronic constipation, during menstruation or with nerve diseases, caution is advised.

This light lemonade made from ginger, cucumber and mint is very health-promoting and is an excellent alternative for those who do not like water alone.

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