You Can Do That For Your Dental Health!

Those who take care of their own dental health need not be afraid of going to the dentist, they almost feel it is wellness …

You can do that for your dental health!

Our dental health is important because healthy teeth and gums keep our entire body healthy. Those who can chew properly and salivate with healthy oral flora digest food better.

Dental health in everyday life

The dental health of our hectic everyday life often leaves little time for what promotes really good dental health. Or when was the last time you flossed, had your teeth cleaned or changed your toothbrush?

It’s often the little things that your dental health depends on!

We have summarized for you what options you have to not only maintain your dental health, but also to promote it. Some tips sound mundane, but admit it yourself: When was the last time you did it yourself?

Question yourself and simply implement the following tips:

Maintain dental health

Don’t brush your teeth right away

Brushing your teeth right after a meal is a laudable thought, but not really beneficial for your dental health. If you have eaten or drunk something that contains acid, for example fruit, juice, soda, cola, pickled preserves, etc., the acid in it attacks your tooth enamel and makes it soft.

If you then brush this soft enamel directly, you wear it off with the brush and damage it permanently. So wait at least 30 minutes after each consumption of beverages or food until your saliva has remineralized the tooth enamel again enough that gentle tooth brushing does no harm.

Exercises against a double chin with the tongue

Brush your tongue too

When you brush your teeth, you are brushing plaque, food debris, and bacteria off your teeth. But many forget that in the course of a day a coating of bacteria and co will also form on the tongue. Make a habit of removing it after you brush your teeth.

There are special tongue cleaners for this, but some toothbrushes also have rubber ribs on the top that you can use to do this. If you don’t have anything at hand, the toothbrush will do the same after brushing your teeth, which you should of course always rinse well afterwards.

Maintain dental health properly

Change your toothbrush regularly for your dental health

There is no question that brushing your teeth is important for dental health. But the fact that the choice of toothbrush also plays an important role is often forgotten.

Some of the bacteria that you brush off your teeth will accumulate on your toothbrush. These can also multiply super in a warm, damp bath.

So you should change your toothbrush regularly. Since it is a so-called “penny item”, this will certainly not tear a too deep hole in your wallet. Because what do you prefer: a sore hole in your tooth or a tiny hole in your wallet?

Clean interdental spaces

Does the dentist advise you to floss? We also. We recommend those that swell on contact with moisture, i.e. in your mouth. It cleans interdental spaces particularly well. Use interdental brushes for larger spaces between the teeth.

Don’t you have all of this at hand? After all, toothpicks are better than nothing!

Brushing properly for good dental health

Are you brushing your teeth with the right technique and properly? It sometimes makes sense for adults to control themselves too. These tablets, with which you can check how well children are brushing their teeth, also show very clearly where there is a lot of catching up to do in adults!

Maintain dental health

Professional tooth cleaning

Most health insurances do not pay for teeth cleaning because they prefer to pay only when the damage has occurred.

Nevertheless, you should regularly take advantage of what your dentist has to offer and remember to change your toothbrush after each such tooth cleaning so as not to smuggle the old bacteria back into the “freshly cleaned” mouth.


Use toothpaste with fluoride

Critics like to confuse the non-toxic “fluoride” in toothpaste with the toxic “fluoride”. It has been scientifically proven that fluoride hardens tooth enamel and protects against tooth decay by inhibiting the acid-producing bacteria in the mouth. So make sure your toothpaste contains fluoride.

You can also use table salt, which is enriched with fluoride. Alternatively, you can use a mouthwash that contains fluoride. By the way, fluoride is not only important for solid teeth, but also for solid bones.

As you can see, your dental health doesn’t have to cost you a lot: a fresh toothbrush, the right toothpaste, a roll of dental floss and the right time to brush your teeth make a big difference if you want to keep your teeth healthy for a long time.

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