Recipe: Smoothie Made From Beetroot, Coconut And Ginger

Beetroot in a smoothie sounds a bit exotic at first, but can be very tasty when combined with the right ingredients.

Recipe: beetroot, coconut and ginger smoothie

For many, beetroot is just a vegetable, maybe even a bit old-fashioned, which goes better with potatoes or in a salad than in a mixed drink. But this recipe will show you that the vegetables can also be used in delicious smoothies.

Beetroot to drink?

Like other vegetables, beetroot is an unusual ingredient in blenders or blenders for skeptics when it comes to making mixed drinks or smoothies.

But once you’ve started to combine these bright red vegetables with fruity flavors, your creativity is sure to produce one or the other recipe .

Regardless of this recipe, you should try combining beetroot with orange, which is also very tasty!

Smoothies are very fashionable. Even in the supermarket there is a large selection, whereby the point of a smoothie – to consume fresh fruit and vegetables – falls by the wayside.

You should therefore prepare the healthy drinks yourself at home. With smoothies, fruits and vegetables are only pureed, not juiced.

This means that all ingredients such as valuable carbohydrates and all secondary plant substances are included. A smoothie, no matter what color, consists only of plant-based ingredients.

However, this does not mean that smoothies are fat-free, because vegetables can also contain fat! In our recipe, it is coconut milk, which contains a lot of fat, which is why smoothies are not drinks, but small meals.


Why beetroot?

Admittedly: the beetroot is disappearing more and more from the menu. It has a slightly old-fashioned and dusty image, but it’s worth taking a closer look at this tuber because it’s really good for your health!

Beetroot is a rounded bulb that has a grayish red sheen on the outside and is deep red on the inside. The tubers can weigh up to 600g and are very storable, which is why they are also considered “winter vegetables”, although they are harvested in summer from July.

So there is no reason to only eat them in winter! The trade also makes it really easy for you to consume beetroot: they are already peeled and vacuum-packed in the vegetable counter!

Beetroot contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. It contains a particularly large amount of potassium, B vitamins, iron and folic acid. It is therefore a healthy vegetable, especially for women, as women are often deficient in iron and folic acid.

With manganese, copper and selenium, beetroot also provides rare but important trace elements. Not only do the tubers contain these healthy ingredients, the leaves also contain them!

Therefore, do not throw the leaves in the trash, cut them into narrow strips and prepare them as a vegetable in a similar way to spinach!

If your urine and bowel movements are reddish after consuming beetroot, don’t worry!

Warning: beetroot contains a lot of oxalic acid. Anyone who tends to develop kidney stones should avoid excessive consumption of the red tuber.

It is also critical that beetroot is a good nitrate store. Nitrates can be converted into toxic nitrite.

Nitrates are used as fertilizers in agriculture. If the field is over-fertilized, a relatively large amount of nitrate is stored in the beetroot. You should therefore buy organic beetroot to minimize this risk.

Coconut milk

Watch out, coconut!

Coconut milk is needed for this recipe. The creamy consistency already indicates its high fat content, which really makes this smoothie a small liquid meal. Even if there is currently a lot of furore about coconut oil: In fact, scientific medical publications warn.

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) and doctors warn against eating too much coconut oil. It contains a lot of saturated fatty acids (90%!) And is just as harmful as other such fats, for example animal fats and palm fat.

Saturated fatty acids carry a high risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

There is lauric acid in coconut oil . This should be particularly beneficial to health. The fact is that it is converted to monolaurin in the human body.

Monolaurin is said to have an antibacterial effect, but this has not yet been scientifically researched and proven. In addition, there are much healthier foods and natural remedies that also have an antibacterial effect.

Until science has completed its research on the subject, it does not make sense to expose yourself to health risks through the saturated fatty acids in coconut oil in order to take advantage of any positive properties of lauric acid.

However, coconut oil or coconut oil for occasional consumption, as in this recipe, is perfectly fine



You only need a few ingredients for this exotic tasting drink with local beetroot and tropical coconut and ginger:

  • 1 tuber of beetroot, peeled
  • 1 small can of coconut milk
  • Ginger to taste, fresh
  • Some water

Put all the ingredients in the blender and puree them into a really tasty drink. The ingredients are enough for two glasses of smoothie and make a nutritious drink for two people.

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