Breakfast With Fruit: 4 Delicious Recipe Ideas

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast with fruit, for example, is one of many healthy options. It is crucial that your breakfast provides you with the right nutrients so that you can start the day awake and strengthened. 

Breakfast with fruit: 4 delicious recipe ideas

Healthy breakfast can be delicious. For example, if you eat breakfast with fruit and supplement it with proteins and cereals, you will provide your body with all the nutrients it needs for a powerful start to the new day.

The reason we recommend breakfast with fruit is because your body can best absorb and use fructose at this point.

This also helps reduce your sugar and sweet cravings much better for the rest of the day.

The positive nutritional properties of fruits are particularly effective in the morning. This means that having a fruit breakfast after your nightly fast is very healthy for you.

Fructose is best digested at this time of day, which means that it gives you a lot of energy. A breakfast with fruit also has the additional advantage that your body is supplied with plenty of fluids at the same time.

You can see the positive effect of this on your skin, it will become fresher and more radiant.

4 delicious recipe ideas for a breakfast with fruit

Fruits come in many different shapes, flavors, and textures. But practically all of them have one thing in common: their delicious taste.

It is best to combine different fruits with each other and try as many varieties as possible. So you can always enjoy new variations and you will always have a varied breakfast. Let yourself be inspired by our 4 recipes for a breakfast with fruit and start the new day strengthened.

1. Natural yogurt with red berries and chia seeds

Breakfast with fruit - strawberries

Yogurt is a classic probiotic that helps your body protect your intestinal flora. In addition, by consuming yogurt, you improve both your digestion and the absorption of nutrients in your body.

In addition, your immune system is strengthened. You can prepare a nutritious breakfast with fruit if you combine, for example, the antioxidant vitamins of red berries with the “good fats” (omega 3 and 6).


  • 180 g natural yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of red berries
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds


  • Mix the ingredients together.
  • Then let the yogurt sit for 10 to 15 minutes before you eat it. This allows the chia seeds to soak, making them easier to digest.

2. Oatmeal pancakes with honey and strawberries

Breakfast with fruit - pancake

Classic pancakes taste very good, but they contain hardly any fiber and a lot of worthless carbohydrates.

In order to improve the nutritional content of pancakes, it is therefore advisable that you change the recipe a little. Just try our delicious oatmeal pancakes. In our recipe you will find all the ingredients you need for this healthy pancake variant.


  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 egg whites
  • Strawberries and honey (to taste)
  • 50 g of oatmeal
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons of almond milk (alternatively you can use cow’s milk)
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar (alternatively you can use honey or stevia)


  • First you beat the egg whites very stiff.
  • Then slowly pour in the coconut oil and almond milk while you continue to stir. Make sure everything is mixed together very well.
  • Then add the oatmeal, cinnamon, brown sugar and a pinch of salt.
  • If the mass has become too firm, you can simply stir in a little more milk (almond milk or cow’s milk) or, alternatively, a little water until the consistency is good.
  • Now you bake the pancakes just like you would bake classic pancakes. The best way to do this is to use a non-stick pan, add a little oil and a little butter and add some batter. Bake the pancake on both sides for a few minutes until golden brown.
  • You can enjoy the pancakes with fruit or with anything else that you have an appetite for right now. The pancakes with strawberries and a dollop of organic honey are delicious.

3. Whole wheat toast with ricotta, pears and walnuts

Breakfast with fruit - walnuts

This breakfast with fruit is the perfect option for everyone who likes sweet and sour combinations. It consists of fruits, a dairy product, and bread.

For this recipe, you’ll need fresh ricotta, thinly sliced ​​pears, chopped walnuts, and a few slices of whole grain toast or bread.

First you toast the bread, then you cut the pears into thin slices and chop the walnuts. Then you put the ricotta cheese on the toast, put a few pear slices on top and sprinkle everything with the walnuts. We recommend one or two slices of toast per person.

4. Protein shake made from kefir, peach and bananas

Breakfast with fruit-shake

Kefir is a natural probiotic that strengthens your immune system and is equally beneficial for your digestion and cardiovascular system. You can easily integrate it into your fruit breakfast by replacing the milk with the kefir.

This is how you can prepare yourself a delicious and healthy protein shake. Put a medium-sized peach in a blender, add half a banana, and 200 ml of kefir. Since the shake is going to be quite thick, it’s best to eat it with a spoon.

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