Delicious English Desserts: 2 Recipes

The dessert is the culmination of a festive meal. If you want to spoil your guests with a special dessert, you should try the two recipes that we present to you today. 

Delicious English desserts: 2 recipes

Do you love English desserts ? Tradition has a long list of recipes that remind us of a loving grandmother in an English country house. The ingredients are classics, but the result is a real treat!

Today we’re introducing you to two English recipes that are sure to please everyone: a summer pudding with fruits and  custard,  a very diverse vanilla cream that can accompany a wide variety of desserts. 

2 English desserts that you can easily cook

1. English desserts: summer pudding

English desserts that you can easily cook 
Choose for yourself which red fruits you prefer for this dessert. Your guests will love it!

This dessert is very easy to make and everyone will love it. The red fruits in syrup are very tasty. It’s a classic in English gastronomy that you should definitely try. Plus, this recipe is a feast for the eyes too!

You can choose seasonal red fruits or use frozen ones. This dessert is like a surprise gift that hides the beautiful color of the fruit inside. 


  • 900 g red fruits as you like: strawberries, blackberries, currants, raspberries or blueberries
  • ¾ cup of sugar (150 g)
  • 7 slices of white bread (from the day before)
  • 3 tablespoons of water (30 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence (4 ml)


  • First you wash the red fruits and let them dry briefly.
  • Then you put the water with the sugar in a pan and heat the two ingredients until the sugar dissolves. After a minute you can add the vanilla essence and fruits.
  • Let everything simmer over low heat for three minutes, stirring gently. The fruits become soft and the juice comes out. 
  • Then you let this mixture get cold and pour the liquid into a bowl.
  • Meanwhile, have the pudding pan ready. Line them with plastic wrap.
  • Then soak the white bread slices in the fruit juice and place them in the mold. Press the slices of bread down firmly so that there are no gaps between them.
  • Then add the fruits and cover them with the remaining slices of white bread. You keep the rest of the fruit juice. 
  • Cover the pan with plastic wrap and a lid, then put it in the refrigerator all night.
  • You can simmer the remaining juice for 10 minutes to reduce it and turn it into syrup.
  • The next day you serve a portion of pudding and, if desired, pour the syrup over it. You can also serve this dessert with ice cream or whipped cream. 

2. Custard

English desserts that you can easily cook 
This vanilla sauce tastes great as it is or in combination with other desserts. You can also use it as a fill.

Custard  is a  typical English vanilla cream that tastes light and sweet. It can be consumed alone or in combination with various desserts. You can also use it to fill a cake.

We invite you to try this recipe  because the light vanilla flavor is really delicious. You only need very few ingredients and a few tips to achieve perfect results.


  • 2 ½ cups of milk (675 ml)
  • 4 egg yolks
  • ¼ cup sugar (50 g)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract (10 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of corn flour (Maizena) (30 g)


  • Start by mixing the egg yolks with the sugar and corn flour until you get a smooth cream. Add some milk and stir everything well.
  • Then heat the milk with the vanilla until it comes to a boil.
  • Now you stir the prepared mixture into the milk. Keep stirring until the mixture thickens.
  • Then you pass the cream through a cloth sieve and keep it covered in the refrigerator until it is cold. It is best to use a plastic sheet that is almost on the surface of the cream so that the top layer does not harden.
  • Then you can serve or process the  custard 

Do you feel like trying these recipes? English desserts such as  custard  and summer pudding will appeal to all of your guests. You can serve the pudding together with the custard to delight the whole family!

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