Delicious Recipe For Patacones (fried Plantains)

Patacones, or fried plantains, are a popular dish from Venezuela. They can be combined with different sauces and therefore have a unique taste every time.

Delicious recipe for patacones (fried plantains)

You can conjure up numerous dishes from fried plantains! All you have to do is let your creativity run free. This delicious patacones recipe is the best example! We’ll show you how to make it in this article.

Never heard of patacones or fried plantainsAll you have to do is slice plantains, fry them in a large amount of vegetable oil, remove them from the oil, chop them up a little, and then fry them again. As you can see, all you have to do is follow a few simple steps.

The goal is to change the originally soft texture of the plantain and make it crispy. So this recipe is the base that you can add minced beef or chicken to. You can also fill them with the typical traditional dressing from the Zulia region. This is where this dish originally came from.

This type of preparation is likely to surprise people in Western Europe, America, and Asia. It is likely one of the few main dishes in which a type of fruit is the main ingredient. But the toppings and fillings are of course also very tasty!

Never miss the chance to get to know a country through its food.

Incidentally, you need less than 20 minutes to prepare the patacones. Let’s get started now!

This is how you prepare patacones or fried plantains

Classic patacones

Plantain patacones

This recipe for patacones is one of the most popular, and you’ve probably seen it somewhere before. It is made with plantains, which are fried in the same way as French fries. You just have to follow these instructions to conjure up super delicious patacones.


  • 4 plantains
  • 250 ml of vegetable oil
  • 3 tablespoons of salt (45 g)


  • Start by peeling the plantains. However, you shouldn’t slice them!  In our classic recipe, the bananas are processed whole.
  • Put the oil in a pan and heat it over medium heat.
  • Once it’s hot, you can move on to the next few steps.
  • Place a whole plantain (without cutting it into small pieces) in the oil and fry it a little on both sides.
  • Wait until it is golden brown in color and has become a little harder from the oil.
  • After 2 minutes you can take them out of the oil and set them aside. Now repeat the process with the other plantains.
  • Next, you’ll need to chop them up (without chopping them up). You can use a rolling pin or large bowl to crush the bananas with a lot of pressure.
  • Then immediately return the chopped plantains to the hot oil and deep-fry them in it for another 5 minutes. They are ready when they are really hard and crispy.

Classic filling for patacones

Filling for patacones

The patacones taste particularly good with a delicious filling You can of course use any dressing you like. This could be mayonnaise or any other sauce you have on hand.

Some even use hot sauce to give the whole thing an extra kick.

We recommend this filling:


  • 400 g sliced ​​beef
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic powder (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce (30 ml)
  • half a diced onion
  • 1 tablespoon of annatto powder (15 g)
  • 250 ml of mayonnaise


  • Start by transferring the beef slices to a medium saucepan with salted water and adding Worcestershire sauce, onions and, optionally, a little more seasoning. Now cook the whole thing for 15 minutes on the highest level.
  • Once the water has evaporated, stir the ingredients thoroughly with a wooden spoon so that they mix well.
  • Season the strips of beef to taste so that it is perfectly seasoned. If you think it’s still too bland, you can add a little salt or garlic powder.
  • When the beef pot is ready, you can remove it from the stove.
  • Arrange it on the patacones and add mayonnaise or other sauces, depending on your taste.

    Bon Appetit!

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