Good People Have More Than One Wound In Their Hearts

Good people put the needs of others before their own. But sometimes you have to be able to say no to avoid negative thoughts and overload.

Good people have more than one wound in their heart

Good people don’t know themselves that they are. They are not even aware that they are because in their hearts they always prefer the needs of others to their own. This is a way of life that defines us, but we don’t see ourselves any differently.

Unfortunately, good people often get to the point where their modesty neglects the self-protection that we all need and that should be nurtured through a healthy sense of self-confidence and self-love.

He who does everything for others has a noble heart , but you should not forget that this can lead to an inner emptiness. Because sometimes the others just take advantage of your efforts. Today we invite you to think about it.

Good people have wounds in their hearts


At first, many may consider who we define a good person and who we don’t.

Of course there is no clear limit here, because we all try in one way or another to do good to our fellow human beings, to respect them and to deal correctly with ourselves and with others.

When we speak of good people in the purest sense of the word, we can define them as follows:

  • Usually, good people  find it difficult to say no. When someone asks them for something, they are unable to prioritize their own priorities and they help.
  • They don’t wonder who to help or who not. You take care of family members, friends, work colleagues … and always have time for everyone.
  • They are sensitive people who are able to feel strange pains and emotions, including the pain of the world.
  • They are sensitive, social and are always short of time because they want to do even more good.

We are sure that you too can identify with this definition. You probably know more than one person who tries to live their life like this.

However, what happens most often in these cases is  that, over time, these good people often have more suffering than joy in their hearts. 

When others see the help as logical and do not appreciate the effort

We pointed out at the beginning: It often comes at a time when others take things for granted and believe that you are always there for them, that you must always have time to help and comfort them.

  • At the moment when everything is taken for granted, a real problem arises:  People no longer look us in the face or in the heart. They don’t notice that you may not be feeling good that day.
  • Or even worse: They are not aware that you give up looking after yourself every day, that you also need time for yourself and for other things, that you also have the right to say no and yours to set your own priorities.
  • Gradually this situation produces not only physical but also emotional exhaustion. As soon as you feel that the others are constantly pulling you and using your kindness,  you suffer from overload and stress.
  • With good people,  overload and exhaustion are even more dangerous. Why? We become aware that some no longer see us as people with rights and needs. Especially when this is the case with family members or one’s own partner, the effects are very destructive.

    Wounds we hide to seem stronger

    Good people aren’t in the habit of complaining,  they don’t like to be negative. They are used to optimism and positive energy, they open themselves and their emotions to the world.

    • But over time the heart stores many disappointments and disappointments. We learned how far other people’s egoism can go.
    • Worst of all  , good people sometimes even feel guilty for their own wounds. The following thoughts often come up:

    “It only happens to me because I am too trusting, because I am stupid and allow others to take advantage of me …”

    In no case do not let these destructive thoughts guide you. You run the risk of destroying your self-esteem. Do not allow this!


    Good people also have the right to say no

    Starting today, accept that you are never a bad person or selfish just because you allow yourself to say no every now and then.

    • Saying no means drawing boundaries with which you can protect your self-confidence and your emotional health in everyday life.
    • A timely no helps others to understand that we also have needs ourselves and that we  deserve to be cared for and respected – just like everyone else.
    • Setting boundaries also means protecting ourselves and taking time for ourselves. Do not forget that if you do everything for the other, it can lead to an inner emptiness. Keep a part for yourself to be comfortable.

      Because if you are doing well, you can continue to help others and live life the way you feel happy, namely by doing good to others, giving away smiles and spreading optimism.

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