5 Effective Tips Against Weight Gain

Weight gain usually occurs gradually, because it is the little things in life that cause our body fat percentage to keep increasing.

5 effective tips to prevent weight gain

Weight gain does not come overnight and as long as it is body fat, it is our responsibility because it is we who cram the foods and calories into ourselves. And it is also us who can prevent that.

You don’t have to gain weight!

You can prevent gradual weight gain by following a few tips and tricks in everyday life. Just about 100 calories too much per day results in about 1kg more body fat on the scales at the end of the month. 100 calories are not a lot, but they are also saved quickly, so that you can escape the creeping weight gain.

Basically, however, your diet should be balanced and always combined with enough exercise in everyday life. A healthy muscle mass maintains the basal metabolic rate, i.e. the amount of calories your body needs to maintain all functions. Put simply, the more muscles you have and the more you use them, the more you can eat without gaining weight .

To prevent weight gain, pay attention to the following five tips in everyday life:

healthy eating prevents weight gain

Cook yourself!

Basically avoid ready meals from the freezer, fresh food counter, canteen or restaurant. You only have full control over what you eat if you put every single ingredient in the saucepan – and thus in your mouth – yourself.

If you avoid finished products, you avoid unnecessarily high amounts of fat (because fat is a cheap flavor carrier), reduce your sugar consumption (because many finished products contain hidden sugar) and thus automatically lower your calorie intake.

However, this only works on one condition: that you cook yourself without sugar and with little, but healthy, vegetable fats. That means: little cheese, cream, butter and sausage, lots of fruit, vegetables and whole grain products.

Prohibited sausages if you want to prevent weight gain

Avoid sausage and fatty cheese

Animal fats are not particularly healthy, and fat has the highest calorie density of any macronutrient. If you generally choose the low-fat variant, you have already won a lot, but if you generally do without sausage products, you gain a lot more!

Meat and sausage contain a lot of fat and since one grilled sausage is often not enough and the cheese bread follows the sausage bread, it is a good rule to avoid sausage and fatty cheese as a matter of principle to prevent gradual weight loss.

Avoid sauces to prevent weight gain

Choose the right sauces and side dishes

You probably know the question: “With ketchup, mayonnaise or mustard?” “Oh, I like everything,” you will think. But keep in mind that each serving of these sauces will add to the total calories in your meal. When in doubt, the portion of mayo, however small it may be, is exactly the portion that the 100 calories were too much at the end of the day. If you do without such sauces, you save calories.

The side dish also makes a big difference. Always choose the side dish that is particularly low in fat. Instead of fries, choose boiled potatoes, instead of croquettes mashed potatoes, instead of fried potatoes, choose rice or noodles and make sure that the sauce is served separately with the side dishes so that you can dose it small – or leave it out entirely.

Stop crash dieting!

With a crash diet, you primarily lose muscle mass and water, which is bound to the glycogen stored in the muscle mass. The scales are falling – but quickly racing up again after the crash diet.

This is because after a crash diet you usually eat similarly to what you did before the crash diet. However, this is even more too much on the now reduced muscle mass than before the crash diet. Crash diets are therefore not a way to lose weight permanently. On the contrary: they usually lead to an increase in body weight. Seen in the long term.

proper nutrition to prevent weight gain

Have breakfast!

Statistically speaking, people who skip breakfast are more overweight than people who eat breakfast every day. Even if you are convinced of the opposite and think that you cannot have breakfast: you can learn that if you want to!

Start with small portions and make sure that your breakfast contains a lot of complex carbohydrates, filling fiber, protein and fruit, but only little fat and if so, then plant-based, for example from nuts. Make sure that you only have calorie-free drinks, not just for breakfast.

A nice, large white coffee quickly contains more than 100 calories, which land clearly visible on your hips at the end of the month …

With all of these measures, you can prevent weight gain.

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