Make Your Own Natural Lip Care

Lip care should generally be without petroleum products, so you should prefer natural cosmetics.

Make natural lip care yourself

Lip care made from petroleum components is criticized because it can be harmful to health.

It’s safer to make your own lip balm from natural ingredients. In this way you make sure that you have nothing on your lips and ultimately in your mouth that you would not eat yourself.

Why Natural Lip Care?

It is particularly important to pay attention to the ingredients when it comes to lip care.

When talking, drinking or eating, not inconsiderable amounts of the lip care also get into your mouth and thus into your body.

Strictly speaking, you “eat” part of your lip balm stick. Therefore, make sure that it does not contain anything that you would actually eat.

Paraffins, silicones, and other petroleum products have several disadvantages in cosmetics.

On the one hand, they can become lodged in the body and have a harmful effect on health; on the other hand, they have no caring effect on the skin, as they only lie on it like a protective film and cannot be absorbed by the skin.

They only make the skin feel nice, but not skin care. The only advantage of such petroleum products is that they are cheap to manufacture – and that is of no use to you, but to the manufacturer.

What is important in lip care?

The skin of the lips is particularly thin and has very few sebum glands. It is therefore necessary not only to grease them occasionally, but also to protect them from stressful external influences.

This includes cold and dry air as well as moisture and the constant wetting of the lips with the tongue, which dries out the skin instead of moisturizing it.

When it comes to lip care, it is therefore important to use oils to nourish the skin and to retain its moisture so that the lips remain soft and the skin does not become brittle and crack.

The possibilities far from petrochemicals are given and there are many manufacturers of certified natural cosmetics who are already using them very successfully and who have emerged as winners in test results.

We introduce you to the most important components.

Lip care


Beeswax is not vegetable, but anything but petrochemical.

The bees use beeswax to build their honeycombs in the beehive, in which the honey is then stored.

In other countries it is customary to sell the honeycombs as a whole, then put them in small pieces in your mouth and slowly suck the honey out.

Once the honey has been sucked out of the honeycomb, the beeswax is spit out again as a ball.

Beeswax is completely non-toxic and natural and is used in cosmetics to create a thin layer on the skin that prevents moisture from being lost.

However, vegans reject the use of beeswax because it is of animal origin.

Alternatively, there are also vegetable waxes, which are also used in natural cosmetics, but are difficult for you to get from retailers as individual ingredients.

You can usually get beeswax in health food stores or pharmacies as small drops that are easy to process.

Vegetable oils

In contrast to mineral oils, vegetable oils are more suitable for skin care, as they can be absorbed by the skin and care for it.

Many different oils are used in the cosmetics industry: jojoba oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, almond oil, peach kernel oil and many other valuable oils.

Almond oil is particularly advisable for sensitive skin because it has a calming and balancing effect.

In addition, it smells sweet and is therefore particularly used in facial care. We also use it in our recipe.

You can get almond oil in health food stores mostly in the best organic quality and from the first cold pressing.

Make sure this is not roasted almond oil. It’s super delicious, but less suitable for our lip care. You can also get pure almond oil in the pharmacy.

homemade lip care

Natural lip care recipe

Rose oil is also on the list of ingredients so that your self-made lip care smells good.

If this is too expensive for you, you can also use another essential oil whose smell (and taste) you like.

Please only use real essential oil and no synthetic fragrance oils ! For a jar of lip balm you need:

  • 15g beeswax
  • 25ml almond oil
  • Some rose oil

Gently let the beeswax melt in a water bath over low heat. Then slowly stir in the almond oil until both are completely mixed together.

Let the mixture cool down a bit before adding any floral scent with rose oil . Let cool in a small cream jar and apply to lips if necessary.

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