3 Recipes For Cough Syrup For Children

You can make cough syrup for children yourself, because you have most of the ingredients in the kitchen and you don’t need to go to the pharmacy.

3 recipes for cough syrup for children

There are cough syrups for children in pharmacies, but not a few of them contain substances that make your child tired. If you want to treat your child naturally, you can make cough syrup for children yourself – and adults can also benefit from it if they cough!

Cough syrup for children and adults

Our three recipe suggestions are gentle and yet effective. They have a healing, expectorant and antibacterial effect and are usually even tastier than any other cough syrup for children from the pharmacy, which is given a child-friendly taste with artificial flavors and lots of sugar.

The cough syrup for children is of course also effective for adults, but adults put less emphasis on the taste of the medicine, so you should start with the first recipe if the cough syrup is to be for children and not for adults. Kids don’t like the third recipe that much, but it helps a lot.

Child with runny nose

Expectorant syrup with carrot and honey

You can use carrots and honey to make a syrup that can loosen the stuck mucus. This natural remedy only needs two ingredients and works according to old tradition. If the mucus is too tight and cannot be coughed up, for example, you should consult a doctor

You should always prepare the syrup fresh. During processing, oxygen and UV light reach the carrots, which leads to a breakdown of the vitamins. The longer you keep the syrup after it has been made, the fewer vitamins it contains.

It’s best to prepare it fresh every day. You only need two ingredients:

  • 100g carrots
  • 30g honey (about two large tablespoons)

The easiest way to make the syrup is to juice the carrots. If you have a juicer, just stock up on carrot juice.

Freeze it in the ice cube tray so that you always have fresh carrot juice that is bulging with all the vitamins. If you don’t have a juicer, there might be a powerful blender or hand blender with a sharp knife in the kitchen.

You can use this to make carrot pulp that you can use for the syrup. If you don’t have any of these devices, try to grate the carrot as finely as possible on a kitchen grater.

Mix the self-juiced carrot juice, the carrot puree or the fine carrot snippets with the honey to make a homogeneous syrup. If you add a splash of lemon juice, the syrup will also keep its bright orange color and look more appetizing.

Consume spoon by spoon throughout the day and drink a lot to loosen the mucus. The best home remedies are of no use if the body does not have enough fluids. Let the syrup taste good to you – or your children.

Thyme in a bunch

Thyme honey

This is not really a syrup, but a delicious and highly effective home remedy for coughs. Please use pure essential thyme oil and no dried herbs! The essential oil works

  • expectorant
  • cough dissolving
  • expanding to the bronchi
  • anti-inflammatory

The component thymol is also a little miracle weapon, because thymol has a disinfecting, fungicidal and bactericidal effect, i.e. it kills fungi and bacteria.

You can buy ready-to-use thyme honey in stores, but it is quite easy to combine the two products individually. To do this, simply make a very strong brew from fresh thyme leaves and dissolve honey in it. Drink it in small sips like tea.

Alternatively, you can use thyme oil and mix it with honey.

Please only use pure essential thyme oil and always prepare the home remedy fresh by mixing about a tablespoon of honey with a good 10 drops of thyme oil and then slowly licking it.

Spicy cough syrup with honey and onion

Grandma still knew the recipe for the syrup, which nowadays less and less are making it yourself and instead swallowing cough suppressants with sometimes strong side effects from the pharmacy. Why actually? Cough syrup from the pharmacy is much more expensive and not even more effective than grandma’s home remedies!

You need:

  • 1 medium onion
  • 125 ml of water
  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • Cinnamon for a better taste

Now you chop the onion into small pieces and put them in a saucepan with the water. Then there are the 3 tablespoons of honey and the spices.

Boil everything to a syrupy brew for at least 10 minutes and let it steep for at least 4 hours. Then pour through a fine sieve and take a teaspoon of this cough syrup 3 to 5 times a day.

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