Ripe Bananas Against Cancer?

Ripe bananas are said to be of great benefit in preventing cancer. This is evident from a study carried out at Japanese universities.

Ripe bananas for cancer?

Ripe bananas are said to be of great use in cancer prevention. This is evident from a study carried out at Japanese universities.

According to this, ripe bananas  should  activate the immune cells (neutrophils and macrophages) that are responsible for the formation of TNF (tumor necrosis factor). This is to prevent cancer.

It is important that the bananas are well-ripened with dark spots on their peel.

The banana not only tastes delicious, it also has a wide variety of health-promoting properties. For this reason, experts recommend eating a banana every day. 

However, people with kidney problems should avoid it because  bananas contain a lot of potassium. 

Health-promoting properties of the banana

  • Bananas are very filling. They contain vegetable starch, an important source of energy that many athletes use for rapid recovery instead of consuming energetic drinks.
  • Potassium is also an important component of the banana, which stabilizes the salt balance in the organism. This fruit is especially helpful for people with hypertension.
  • Bananas are rich in vitamins A, C and K, among other things, and also contain zinc, calcium, sodium and iron.
  • The more ripe the banana, the higher its sugar content. Because of this, it is not suitable for people with diabetes.

Ripe bananas for cancer?

Ripe bananas for cancer?

In the aforementioned study, ripe bananas with dark spots on the skin were found to have cancer preventive properties.

This activates the TNF and promotes the formation of protective cells. This means that the immune system is better able to fight off cancerous germs. 

The study shows that overripe bananas are needed for this. The darker the skin, the higher the alkali value. And this is exactly what is important in order to achieve the anti-cancer effect.

Not everyone likes ripe bananas. But you can also use it to prepare delicious desserts or shakes, that’s not an excuse.

How about the following recipes?

1. Banana and walnut cake

This recipe is very high in energy and has hardly any fat. You can enjoy this cake at any time of the day and benefit from the advantages of the ripe bananas.


  • 125 g white bread from the previous day (without crust)
  • 500 ml semi-fat milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 8 walnuts
  • 5 g butter


  1. Preheat the oven and grease the baking pan with butter.
  2. Cut the bread from the day before into small cubes. You can also use dumpling bread for this. Then soak the bread in milk.
  3. Then stir in the eggs and let the dough stand for 10 minutes.
  4. In the meantime, cut the bananas into slices and place them in the baking pan. Then you put the dough on it and sprinkle it with the walnuts.
  5. Bake the cake at 180 ° C for about 25-30 minutes.

2. Banana ice cream


  • 4 ripe bananas
  • 1/4 l whipped cream
  • 1/2 lemon
  • Chocolate couverture (with the highest possible cocoa content)


  1. Puree the banana with the lemon juice.
  2. Then add the whipped cream.
  3. Now you ice this cream in sundae and put it in the freezer for at least an hour. Before serving, pour the melted chocolate over the top.

Enojy your meal!

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