Mental Health Effects Of Diabetes

Diabetes significantly increases the risk of depression and anxiety disorders and can trigger other problems as well. Find out more about this topic today.

Effects of Diabetes on Mental Health

Unfortunately, there are more and more diabetes cases around the world. It is estimated that almost 422 million people suffer from it. However, many are unaware of the effects this metabolic disease can have. Diabetes can also affect mental health, among other things. We are going to dwell on this topic today.

If the pancreas produces too little or no insulin at all, or if the insulin cannot be used properly by the body,  diabetes develops. Insulin allows glucose to enter the cells. There this substance is then converted into energy.

However, it is problematic if the glucose remains in the blood and the concentration is increased over a long period of time. Because this damages the blood vessels and nerves. This is why it is extremely important to control blood sugar levels and treat possible complaints accordingly. 

However, diabetes not only affects various body processes, it can also affect mental health. Find out in today’s article what is the connection and what mental problems this metabolic disease can cause.

What is diabetes

As mentioned earlier, it is a  chronic metabolic disease that  occurs when the pancreas produces too little or no insulin, or when the insulin cannot be used properly to bring glucose into the cells. The different types are: Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes:  This disease usually begins in childhood and occurs when the pancreas can hardly or no insulin to produce. Treatment is with insulin injections to replace the body’s lack of insulin and to control blood sugar levels.

Diabtes type 2:  This form is more common in adulthood, but there are also more and more children who suffer from it. Initially, the pancreas can usually still produce insulin, but this is not used properly by the body. Over time, the body produces less and less insulin. There is a close relationship between obesity, sedentary lifestyle and type 2 diabetes. 

Both types can occur at any point in time, no one is immune from them. However, genetic factors can play a role. The big problem is that over time a variety of complications can arise as the risk of certain diseases increases. 

Relationship Between Diabetes, Eating, and Mental Health

Effects of Diabetes on Mental Health

Diabetes affects  various areas of life, mainly because this disease demands great responsibility from those affected. Treatment requires strict control of medication, eating habits and also sports activities.

Therefore, it often happens  that this disease causes great stress. This causes the body to release cortisol, a hormone that affects glucose metabolism. All of these processes are closely related.

Diabetics need to avoid various behaviors and habits. For example, alcoholic beverages or uncontrolled eating are contraindicated. This can lead to increased nervousness and demotivation.

This disease is also to some extent unpredictable. The desired results cannot always be achieved, even if you adhere to all recommendations and carry out regular checks. If this is the case, there may be more frustrations.

Effects of Diabetes on Mental Health

Mental health: what disorders can diabetes cause?

Unfortunately, diabetes has a variety of effects on mental health. It is estimated that diabetics are almost three times more likely to develop depression than people without the disease. Anxiety disorders are also very common in diabetics.

It is therefore of great importance to understand how this disease affects life, and not just on a physical level. Once diagnosed, it is advisable for diabetics to take part in therapy to better cope with this situation.

We must not forget that the body and mind continually influence each other. Every mental problem negatively affects physical illness. This is also the case with diabetes. It is therefore very important to take this into account and act accordingly.

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