Five Health Benefits Of Bananas You May Not Know About

There are many health benefits of bananas. On the one hand, they contain starch, which increases our feeling of satiety. Several studies have shown this. Therefore, eating bananas will help you eat less and lose weight.

Five health benefits of bananas you may not know about

Many people still do not know that bananas have numerous health benefits. Know that this tropical fruit is a great source of energy and provides you with valuable minerals and vitamins. In addition , bananas are suitable for any type of diet, including diets for weight loss.

This fruit is one of the most widely consumed types of fruit in the world. Plus, it’s also one of the healthiest. Read on to discover five health benefits of bananas that you may not know about.

Health benefits of bananas

The banana is popular with children and adults alike. It has a delicious taste and is easy to peel and eat.

However, there are some pseudo-nutritionists out there who are falsely telling you that you shouldn’t eat this fruit while on a weight loss diet. According to their logic, bananas are too high in calories and carbohydrates.

In fact, bananas contain 20% carbohydrates that convert to sugar as they ripen. Because of this, you might suspect that this fruit is not good for your health and could even lead to weight gain.

However, the cause of the confusion is that the fructose found in bananas is simple and unrefined. Therefore, it is good for your body and provides you with energy in a healthy way.

In addition, bananas not only contain carbohydrates, but also significant amounts of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A and C, fiber and other nutrients. That means that this fruit is actually very healthy. Below we show you five health benefits of bananas.

1. Bananas improve cardiovascular health

Banana Health Benefits - Cross Section of a Vein with Platelets

Hypertension is a common disease in developed countries. This leads to an increase in blood pressure on the arterial walls. In fact, you can have high blood pressure for many years without even realizing it. Unfortunately, it gradually damages your blood vessels and heart.

While diet is not a direct cause of this condition, it is definitely a risk factor. This is because excessive consumption of sodium (salt) combined with a concomitant potassium deficiency exacerbates the condition.

According to a study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension , reducing sodium and increasing the amount of potassium in a diet help reduce symptoms. In addition , this can even help prevent high blood pressure from developing.

As you can see, it is important to include bananas, a rich source of potassium, in your diet to maintain your heart health.

2. They regulate blood sugar levels

We mentioned earlier that bananas contain soluble fiber in the form of pectin. According to some studies, this can help reduce blood sugar levels.

This is because fiber metabolizes glucose and helps eliminate it in the urine. Therefore, bananas should also be part of a diabetic’s diet.

3. Health Benefits of Bananas: They improve digestion

health benefits of bananas - woman with abdominal cramps

This health benefit of bananas is also related to the fiber it contains. A study was published in the journal Nutrients in which researchers demonstrated their positive effects in the gastrointestinal system.

Dietary fiber helps regulate the intestinal flora and improve digestion. So, by consuming high fiber foods like bananas, you can avoid digestive disorders like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

4. Some of the health benefits of bananas are due to their antioxidants

The antioxidant capacity of this fruit has been examined in various studies. The researchers always come to the same conclusion: Bananas are a rich source of antioxidants. These include, for example, beta-carotenes, vitamin A and gallocatechin.

Okay, but what’s so great about it now? Well, antioxidants perform a wide variety of functions in the body. In addition, they help prevent or delay some cell damage and reduce the risk of certain diseases.

5. Help you lose weight

First of all, let’s be clear: the only way to lose weight the healthy way is by following a balanced diet and exercising regularly. And the banana is a fruit that you should include in your eating plan.

Not only because it is low in calories, but also because it provides a significant amount of starch. According to various studies, this substance is directly related to a pleasant feeling of satiety, which reduces your appetite.

In fact, the same studies recommend bananas for obese people looking to lose weight. Hence, if you want to lose weight in a healthy and appropriate way, you should include this fruit in your diet. She could be your best ally.

Banana Health Benefits: The Best Way To Use Them

health benefits of bananas - baked bananas

After learning about some of the health benefits of bananas, we hope you will add them to your eating plan. They can do so many good things for your digestive and cardiovascular systems and are also widely available and easy to consume.

In addition, this fruit is extremely versatile and you can enjoy it in countless variations. There are numerous delicious recipes with bananas. You can also add bananas to many dishes, for example salads, cakes, etc. The possibilities are almost unlimited.

As you can see, there is no excuse not to include bananas in your diet and enjoy their many benefits. You will soon find out how delicious and versatile they are!

Thank you for your interest.

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