7 Wonderful Changes In The Body By Not Using Sugar

The consumption of sugar can lead to belly fat, the effects on the liver are said to be similar to that of alcohol.

7 wonderful changes in the body from not using sugar

It has long been pointed out that sugar can be very harmful to health. What changes does not sugar change in the body?

Excessive consumption of the globally very popular white sweetener is one of the main causes of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

In small amounts and in combination with a healthy, balanced diet, there is no need to worry. However, too much sugar, especially refined sugar, can cause serious health problems.

In natural form, sugar is found in fruits and other foods and poses no danger here. However, health experts warn against  too much refined sugar. This is treated with chemicals and, like cocaine, is addictive. 

Here you can find out what changes the renunciation of sugar causes in your body.

Giving up sugar seems impossible. It can be found everywhere,  not just in confectionery, but also in bread, ready-made meals, sauces and numerous other foods.

However, doctors and nutritionists are trying to draw attention to the fact that  excessive consumption of sugar can cause great harm. And you should therefore largely do without it.

If you go without refined sugars, you will feel various changes in your body. They guarantee a better quality of life.

Then, you’ll find 7 reasons why it’s better not to eat refined sugar.

Avoiding sugar makes you feel full faster

The consumption of sugar blocks  the production of the hormone leptin, which makes you feel full after eating. One consequence of this is that hunger is not satisfied. So you still have a craving for sweets.

If you cut off sugar, the body regulates your  appetite correctly. The foods you eat have a filling effect  and consequently you need fewer calories and sweets.

You can protect your heart like this


Diets high in sugar or high glycemic index foods have been linked  to an increased risk of heart disease.

So if you do without sugar you protect your heart and can control the triglyceride level. This is a fat that stores extra calories from sugar and reduces the effects of good cholesterol.

Reduce belly fat

Sugar is high in calories, but does not contain vitamins, minerals or fiber. It is low in nutrients, but high in calories. Sugar therefore promotes the accumulation of fat and consequently obesity.

A study by the  Endocrine Society  found that consuming sugar in particular can lead to fat reserves on the abdomen and hips.

You can protect your liver

obese liver

A study published in the journal  Nature  suggests  that sugar could have negative effects on the liver that are very similar to those of alcohol.

By doing without sugar, you can prevent overloading the liver  and optimize its functions.

Prevention against kidney stones

Sugared drinks and refined sugar in general increase your  risk of kidney stones by 25%. Sweetened soft drinks such as cola can even increase the risk by up to 33%.

To prevent this problem, avoid  these drinks and switch to healthier alternatives, such as natural fruit juices or water.

You can protect your brain


While there is still no definitive scientific evidence,  some studies suggest that spikes in blood sugar levels could be responsible for brain damage that  affects memory.

In these studies, elevated blood sugar levels were responsible, not sugar directly.

However, it is known that too much sugar increases blood sugar levels.

You can take care of your skin and keep it young

Consuming sugar triggers a process called glycation. This active ingredient combines with protein fibers. It  damages the elastin and collagen in the skin.

If you reduce your sugar consumption,  you can protect your skin and prevent premature skin aging. 

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