Fight Headaches With These 11 Foods

There are some foods that can be used very effectively as medicine. In this article, we’ll show you which of them can help relieve headaches.

Fight headaches with these 11 foods

Headaches are bothersome and can be very severe. You will be happy to learn that there are foods out there that  can help fight headaches.

In this article, we’ll show you 11 foods that you should definitely include in your diet. Because they have properties that fight headaches or prevent them.

There are many causes of headaches, from stress to poor nutrition. People who have just given up smoking or who drink a lot of coffee are often worst hit.

The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to resort to pain pills. Because some foods contain substances similar to these tablets and have a completely natural effect. We’ll show you 11 foods that help fight headaches.

Foods that help fight headaches

1. Quinoa

Quinoa can help fight headaches

Headaches are often a sign of magnesium deficiency. This is because with an inadequate supply of magnesium, the blood vessels weaken and cannot do their job properly.

As a result, your nerves cannot relax. Therefore, make sure you have an adequate supply of magnesium. Quinoa is particularly suitable for this because it supplies the body with the important mineral.

2. Cucumber

Cucumbers are 95% water, so they are perfect for keeping the body hydrated. Because headaches are often the result of too little water in the body, the cucumber is an important food to combat them.

3. Watermelon

Melon can fight headaches

Just like cucumber, watermelon is high in water, which makes it an ideal headache remedy. It also contains magnesium and potassium. These nutrients help fight headaches naturally.

4. Potatoes

For headaches, potatoes are a good choice. This is because they are high in potassium, which will fight your headaches as well as prevent them in the long term.

But be careful about the form in which you eat potatoes : Potato chips and French fries are not a good option. It’s best to bake them with their peel in the oven or cook them as jacket potatoes. This is how you get the most potassium in.

5. Bananas

Banana can fight headaches

Just like potatoes, bananas also contain large amounts of potassium and magnesium. This combination makes bananas a great natural headache remedy.

6. Pineapple

The pineapple is very good for fighting headaches. This is because this fruit contains a natural enzyme known as bromelain. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.

7. Mint tea

Mint can fight headaches

Mint tea dilates the blood vessels. Therefore, it slows down the flow of blood and calms the nerves. But not only mint tea is good for headaches, you can also apply a drop of mint essential oil to your temples and massage it in gently. This soothes the headache and cools the head.

8. Spinach

There are numerous causes of headaches, and hormonal changes are one of them. The riboflavin in spinach has a balancing effect and can thus reduce headaches. Other types of green vegetables also have a similar effect.

9. Almonds

Almond can fight headaches

Almonds contain a large amount of salicylic acid. Therefore, they are as effective as aspirin. They are therefore ideally suited for anyone who wants to treat their headaches without tablets.

10. Fish

Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids. Especially salmon, tuna and sardines deserve special mention. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, fish is therefore a good alternative to headache pills.

11. Salad

Lettuce can fight headaches

In the Middle Ages, lettuce was used as a natural sedative and in large quantities its properties are comparable to those of opium. Since then, however, consumption has decreased and the effects of salad have been forgotten. But if you have a headache, you may benefit from a good serving of salad.

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