Defined Legs Thanks To This Workout!

To get defined legs, you should focus on cardiovascular exercises during your workout. Just a few minutes a day are enough. Gradually you can improve to achieve your goal.

Defined legs thanks to this workout!

If you want to get rid of fat in certain parts of the body, you should resort to specific workouts for those parts of the body. Diets and general exercise are usually not enough in this case. In order to achieve defined legs, you should therefore include certain exercises in your training plan.

In this article we will introduce you to exercises that can help you get rid of excess fat on your thighs and calves.

Defined legs thanks to sport

Achieve defined legs through sport!

The advantage of our workout is that you define your legs and lose fat at the same time. This way, your legs will become toned and slim.

Cardiovascular or Weight Training?

When choosing the training you should always keep your goal in mind.

  • If you have thin legs and want to strengthen them a little, you should focus on strength exercises that are performed with the help of weights.
  • On the other hand , if you’d like to lose fat on your legs, you might want to resort to cardiovascular exercise. Cardiovascular and aerobic exercise strengthen the heart and lungs and increase perspiration, fat burning and energy expenditure.

Workouts for defined legs

Here we introduce you to various aerobic exercises that are perfect for burning fat in the legs. Combine the ones you like the most during your workout and get defined legs. They are all very effective!

In the beginning, you may tire and exhaustion very quickly. This is normal as these exercises will test your endurance.

You should start with short intervals and steadily increase. In this way you can achieve good results after a short time.

1. Dancing

Dance for defined legs!

If you love to dance, there is no need to worry about what kind of leg fat burning exercise to do.

After just 3 dance lessons a week , the love handles on the calves, thighs and hips start to disappear.

There are many different types of dance: couple dance, aerobics, Zumba, samba, belly dance … Nowadays there are even disciplines that combine, for example, swimming or martial arts with dance. You should just choose the dance style that you enjoy the most.

2. Jump rope

Jump rope for defined legs!

The advantage of jumping rope is that it is both fun and burns a lot of calories in a very short time.

With this exercise you train your whole body. We therefore recommend that you do it at least once a week.

  • You can start by jumping for a minute and resting for a minute.
  • Alternate exercise and rest phases until the 10 minutes are up.

3. Jogging

Jog for defined legs!

If you enjoy running, you should choose an easy jogging route. This can
be in the park, in the city, in the gym, on the running track or even on the beach.

Jogging is very healthy and perfect for achieving defined legs. However, it is important to maintain proper posture, breathe properly, and stretch to avoid injury.

4. Mini trampoline

A mini trampoline is a small trampoline for a single person that is becoming increasingly popular in gyms. Various exercises are performed on this trampoline and you can even dance while jumping.

It’s fun, burns a lot of calories and prevents injuries to the joints.

  • You can use the trampoline at the gym or buy one to exercise at home.
  • Hop to your favorite music for 5 to 15 minutes a day. You will start sweating in just a few minutes.

5. Climbing stairs

Climbing stairs for defined legs!

If you have little time or inclination to go to the gym, but still want defined legs, you can keep fit by climbing stairs. You should however daily at least 15 m Take your time for this.

You can combine exercises during the ascent and descent, as this involves different muscle groups. However, you should not carry any additional weight and make sure that you are wearing the right clothing and appropriate footwear.

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