Tea Against Unloved Love Handles

If you drink this tea regularly, eat a healthy diet, and have enough water and exercise, you can achieve your goal.

Tea against unloved love handles

Fat pads on the stomach are not only unsightly, they are also unhealthy. They are often caused by a malfunction of the cleaning organs.

The kidneys, lungs, liver and intestines are responsible for this task. But if their functions are disturbed, fat deposits can occur in certain areas of the body, for example on the stomach.

Dangers of belly fat

Love handles on stomach

Belly fat is not only unsightly and has a very negative effect on self-esteem, it can be very harmful to health.

If there are love handles on the stomach, the risk of the following diseases is increased: 

  • high blood pressure
  • Heart disorders
  • diabetes
  • osteoporosis
  • Respiratory diseases
  • migraine
  • dementia

Fortunately, there are natural products that can be very helpful in breaking down stored fat.

Tea to remove love handles

The tea that we recommend you today can help you reduce the unsightly and unhealthy build-up of fat. The ingredients used for this are very effective and help detoxify the body. 

We will then explain how the individual ingredients work:


Limes and Lemons

The lemon is known for its detoxifying properties. It is very popular for teas and mixed drinks, as it also helps with weight loss. It also contains plenty of vitamin C and thus strengthens the immune system. Citric acid maximizes the enzyme functions that stimulate the liver.

Lemon is an excellent detoxifying agent and is rich in pectin, which is very filling. What few people know is that this citrus fruit has an alkaline effect, although it tastes sour.

It can be used to keep hunger pangs at bay.



Cinnamon keeps blood sugar levels in balance. The insulin production thus also remains stable.

If too much insulin is used, glucose will not be used properly and fat will accumulate.

Cinnamon keeps your glucose levels in the normal range , so you can prevent gaining weight.



Honey has slightly more calories than sugar (sugar has 16 kcal, honey 21 kcal), but the nutritional value is much higher and is absorbed much more slowly. Honey contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids that have therapeutic and health-promoting properties.

This natural product can reduce stress, regulate sleep, prevent respiratory diseases and treat constipation.



Ginger is anti-inflammatory, promotes proper use of glucose, and increases serotonin levels, which helps control food cravings. It also stimulates body cleansing and prevents water retention.

In addition, ginger stimulates the production of gastric juices. Digestive complaints are reduced, nutrients are better absorbed and residues are correctly expelled.

How is the tea made?


  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 small piece of ginger


  • Bring the water to the boil and then add all the ingredients except the honey.
  • Simmer for 10 minutes and then let it steep for 5 minutes.
  • Filter and sweeten with honey. Take in.

When to drink

Ginger tea with lemon

To achieve the desired effect, you should drink this tea twice a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. In the morning you should wait 30 minutes before you have breakfast

In order to achieve your goal, consistency is absolutely necessary. Be aware, however, that this tea does not work miracles! Eat  a healthy diet, plenty of water, and exercise regularly.

This tea will give you new energy and  gradually break down love handles. If you also pay attention to healthy lifestyle habits, you can achieve your goal.

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