Strongly Antiviral Syrup Made From Only 3 Ingredients

Lack of exercise, poor nutrition, sudden changes in the weather and numerous other factors can weaken the immune system.

Strong antiviral syrup made from just 3 ingredients

The immune system is known to protect our body from viruses, bacteria or fungi. Today we recommend a recipe for a strong antiviral  syrup that combines three very healthy ingredients and provides nutrients that strengthen the body’s defenses.

A lack of exercise, poor nutrition, sudden changes in the weather and numerous other factors can weaken our immune system  and make us more susceptible to certain diseases.

What are the valuable ingredients of this antiviral syrup?

The ingredients are easily available, inexpensive and highly effective:  lemon, ginger and honey.



Lemon is known for its high content of vitamin C, which is not only an important antioxidant but also strengthens the immune system by activating white blood cells.

This citrus fruit is characterized by  antibiotic and antiviral properties that help in the fight against pathogens  and, in particular, prevent respiratory diseases.


This root is known for its numerous health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects, among other things  It also contains valuable antioxidants.

Ginger helps to improve the body’s immune response and to fight viruses and bacteria that could cause flu, runny nose, colds, coughs or asthma. The expectorant effect of ginger helps in particular with coughs and sore throats. 

Ginger is also antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, detoxifying and is a natural antihistamine.

Bee honey

honey-as-a-beauty treatment

Honey also has a strong antibiotic effect and therefore helps with colds and flu. Honey has long been used to treat various respiratory and viral diseases.

Various studies have found that honey’s expectorant properties make it an excellent agent for treating asthma and other respiratory diseases caused by a weakened immune system.

Antiviral syrup made from lemon, ginger and honey

Now that you know the benefits of each ingredient and you can start making the syrup to strengthen your immune system and treat ailments.


  • 2 large lemons with peel (untreated!)
  • ½ ginger root
  • 200 ml organic bee honey (8 tablespoons)


  • First, the lemons are thoroughly disinfected and cleaned with a solution of water and vinegar. The lemon is used with the peel because it contains valuable nutrients, including a high proportion of vitamin C.
  • Carefully wash the ginger root, cut it into small pieces, and then put it in the blender with the eighth lemon. Then add the recommended amount of honey and puree all the ingredients well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Store the syrup in a glass jar with a lid in the refrigerator.
  • If the honey in the refrigerator crystallizes over time, you can warm the syrup in a double boiler.


One tablespoon per day is recommended for people over the age of 13 and one teaspoon for younger children. This syrup can also be dissolved in tea, water, or other hot liquids.

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