9 Things Your Hands Tell You About Your Health

Changes in the hands are usually not a health problem, but it is important to know the causes.

9 things your hands tell you about your health

You see your hands every day, but you are usually not aware of small details and possible changes.

Over time, your hands can experience various changes: Signs of age are among the most common skin changes on the hands. However, these can also  reveal a lot about our health.

The hands are indispensable for almost all activities in everyday life, it is difficult to imagine how one could do without them. Therefore, they deserve the necessary attention and care. Be aware of possible signs that  could indicate problems.

1. Trembling hands


When our hands suddenly start shaking, we quickly realize that there is a problem.

The first thing that many think about is Parkinson’s, as the tremors are a major symptom of this serious condition.

But you shouldn’t panic immediately, as there could be other causes behind it.

For example, hand tremors can also be  due to excessive consumption of caffeine  or an increased dose of antidepressants. Visit your Art to find out the causes!

2. Sweat your hands

Sweating on the hands is very common, especially in those who suffer from hyperhydrosis (overactive sweat glands).

However, sweaty hands can also be a sign of  stress, anxiety, or worry.

3. Swollen hands


You can tell swollen hands at first glance. These almost always indicate edema,  which occurs when fluids accumulate in body tissue.

Dr. Edward Laskowsi, co-director of the Center for Sports Medicine at ClĂ­nica Mayo (USA) points out that swollen hands can also be attributed to the fact that the blood vessels are more active during exercise.

4. Flaky, dry skin on the hands

As on the feet, the skin on the hands can be very dry and flaky.

Although cracks are less common, calluses can develop if there is a  lack of nutrients and the dead skin cells accumulate in certain areas.

If the skin is suddenly flaky, this can be an indication of a vitamin B deficiency, because B vitamins are necessary for tissue repair and for strong nails.

In this case, niacin (vitamin B3) and biotin (vitamin B7) can help improve the appearance of the skin as they stimulate collagen production and retain skin moisture.

Natural sources of vitamin B are:

  • fish
  • peanuts
  • Mushrooms
  • avocado
  • tuna

5. Dermatitis and itching


If you have itching, dryness, or dermatitis,  this can be an indication that you have eczema.

In this case, it is necessary to see a doctor, because it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

If it’s just dryness and not eczema,  you can help by regularly applying moisturizers containing vitamins A and E.

6. White nails

If the nails look whitish or pale, this could be a sign of anemia. This means that too few red blood cells are produced and the oxygen supply to the tissue is inadequate.

A blood analysis can provide clarity. The doctor may prescribe an iron supplement if necessary. In this case, you definitely need to get a medical diagnosis.

7. Blue fingertips

If your fingertips turn bluish or reddish in color, it’s important to investigate. It could be  Raynaud’s syndrome.

This is a rare blood vessel disease that often affects the fingers and toes and is caused by cold or stress.

In this case, only a specialist can make the diagnosis. In most cases, it is recommended to wear gloves for this disease. You should also stop smoking and avoid stress and low temperatures.

8. Brittle fingernails


Many suffer from brittle and weak fingernails,  usually a calcium or protein deficiency can be blamed for this. Because these nutrients are crucial to preserving the queratin.

9. Skin spots

Since the hands are in contact with various surfaces and aggressive products day in and day out, the first signs of aging, such as skin spots, are also visible here.

UV radiation, environmental pollution and chemical products can cause skin changes  on the hands and accelerate the aging process.

This is why it is important to protect your hands with gloves and moisturize them daily.

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