8 Reasons Why Red Wine Is Good For You In Moderation

Even if excessive consumption of red wine can have negative consequences, one glass every day has a positive effect on your health.

8 reasons why red wine is good for you in moderation

Red wine is very popular all over the world and is an important part of hundreds of cultures. It is now also considered a source of important nutrients that are good for our health. Red wine in moderation is therefore highly recommended.

Even if the excessive consumption of red wine can have negative consequences, one glass every day has a positive effect on health. Red wine supplies our body with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that ensure physical and mental well-being.

Red wine contains resveratol, which protects cells from the negative effects of free radicals, which are particularly harmful because they accelerate the aging process.

But there are many other reasons that speak in favor of enjoying red wine in moderation without a guilty conscience. We would like to introduce you to 8 of them.

1. Protects the brain

Red wine in moderation protects the brain

Due to the high content of antioxidants, including resveratol, red wine can help protect brain cells from oxidative stress.

These substances help regenerate tissue and regulate blood flow to ensure that the brain is supplied with sufficient oxygen.

  • One glass a day is enough to lower the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, dementia and other neurological disorders.

2. Red wine in moderation for depression

People who are currently going through a depressive episode may experience improvement if they drink red wine regularly.

This healthy drink stimulates the formation of neurotransmitters such as endorphin and serotonin, known as feel-good hormones.

  • Just 3 to 4 glasses a week are enough to reduce depressive moods.

3. Improves dental health

Red wine in moderation improves dental health

Even if wine in large quantities can attack tooth enamel, red wine is healthy in moderation as it protects teeth and gums from inflammation.

Its antibacterial ingredients prevent the spread of certain bacteria that are in the mouth and can cause tooth decay and inflammation of the gums.

  • Drink 2 or 3 times a week, making sure that the whole mouth is moistened.

4. Improves respiratory health

The main component of red wine, the reservatol, has the ability to create a protective barrier in the respiratory tract.

In this way, the risk of inflammation and disease from toxins and external influences is reduced.

The anti-inflammatory and detoxifying mode of action cleanses the airways and regulates the production of mucus so that too much of it does not build up.

  • A small glass of wine a day has a positive effect on our immune system and reduces the risk of catching the flu or a cold.

5. Improves cardiovascular health

Red wine in moderation improves cardiovascular health

Even if the consumption of alcoholic beverages can have a negative impact on cardiovascular health, red wine has positive effects in moderation.

The contained antioxidants prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the arteries and thus prevent disorders such as hypercholesterolemia and arteriosclerosis.

  • Women should drink one small glass a day, while men can drink up to two.

6. Fights urinary tract infections

Red wine in moderation can even provide relief for urinary tract infections.

The diuretic effect promotes the elimination of fluids and eliminates bacteria that can spread in the urinary tract.

It also has an astringent effect , which is good for bladder health and prevents it from becoming inflamed by irritating or tainted substances.

  • You should drink a glass a day if you experience a symptom of infection.

    7. Increases the energy level

    Red wine in moderation increases energy levels

    Anyone suffering from exhaustion should give it a try with a stimulating glass of red wine. The nutrients it contains have an activating effect on the body and support physical and mental regeneration.

    Because they also improve blood circulation, the oxygen is transported faster through the body. This makes us feel less tired.

    • If you feel weak or tired, you can have a drink.

    8. Prevents premature aging

    Are you looking for a remedy for premature aging? Although a healthy lifestyle is very important in general, it can be helpful to drink a glass of red wine regularly.

    The reservatol protects the cells from decay. In this way, organ and tissue damage is reduced.

    • To benefit from this effect, you should drink at least 4 glasses of wine a week.

    As you can see, red wine in moderation has many beneficial effects on the body. Of course, you shouldn’t overdo it and only consume it sporadically so that the nutrients it contains can develop the desired effect.

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