7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away The Avocado Kernel

Did you know that the grated avocado kernel can not only be used as a peel, but also helps against impurities?

7 reasons why you shouldn't throw away your avocado seeds

Do you eat avocados every day, but always throw away the core? In this article, we’ll share with you 7 compelling reasons why you shouldn’t throw away the avocado seeds.

Sometimes we throw away parts of fruits or vegetables that can have positive properties. These include, for example, seeds or the skin of the fruit. Once you find out  how versatile it is,  you wo n’t be throwing away the avocado seeds in the future .

Due to its positive properties, the avocado kernel should not be thrown away.

Because of these positive properties, the avocado seeds should not be thrown away

The avocado seed has many positive properties. This fruit  has an antibacterial and antifungal effect and  therefore eliminates a large number of harmful microorganisms.

Avocado seeds are rich in saponins, which stimulate the metabolism and rid the body of “bad” cholesterol (LDL).

They are also rich in minerals such as calcium and magnesium. They also contain valuable vitamin C.

In order to take full advantage of the positive properties of the core, it  can be used both for external use in the form of cosmetics and for internal use as a dietary supplement. 

The avocado core for internal and external use

  • The avocado kernel has an antibacterial effect and can therefore be used for skin problems, to strengthen the hair, against oily skin and dandruff.
It can also  improve the complexion and appearance of the skin  and hair.
  • Internal application of the core is recommended in several cases:
    • Obesity
    • Arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure
    • Against inflammation and digestive disorders

The core can also be optimally used as an addition to salads and smoothies, for example.

Recommendations before consumption

  • Before consumption, the coffee-brown skin of the kernel should be removed and the kernel cleaned.
  • Grate the outer layer, mince the core, and bake in the oven on a low heat for an hour.
  • If the core is to be completely baked through, it can take more than two hours. In any case, it is necessary to remove the skin and grind the pulp of the core.
  • It is not recommended to consume the kernel without baking it first.

1. Peeling

Avocado kernel should not be thrown away as it can be used as an exfoliator.

To use the core as a peel, it must first be ground.

  • Then mix the powder with ground coffee and salt.
  • Apply the mixture gently to the skin in a circular motion.

2. Against oily skin and impurities

The avocado seed can help with pimples and other blemishes.

  • Mix the ground core with lukewarm water until a paste is formed.
  • Additionally, you can add tea tree oil (it has antifungal properties).
  • Apply the paste to the pimple and leave it on for 4 to 6 minutes. This will dry out the pimple.

3. Skin mask

  • To make a skin mask with the avocado seed, you need to grind the core and mix it with clay.
  • Add water until a creamy substance forms and apply it to the skin. Avoid the eye area.
  • Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then apply a moisturizing skin cream.

4. Hair mask

  • For a smoothing hair mask, mix one liter of water with a ground avocado seed and let everything simmer at a low temperature for 30 minutes.
  • Pour the liquid through a sieve and rinse the hair with it after washing. You will find that this home remedy makes your hair silky soft.

5. In the salad

The ground core can be wonderfully added to salads  or, even better, combined with vegetables or avocado itself. 

  • For example, vegetables and an avocado can be cut into large pieces and sprinkled with the grated core (it should be dried beforehand and prepared as described above).

6. Smoothie

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This smoothie recipe is another reason why you shouldn’t throw away the avocado seeds:


  • 1 banana
  • 2 glasses of almond milk (400 ml)
  • 1 bunch of spinach
  • 1 celery
  • ½ ground avocado seed (5 g)


  • Put all the ingredients in a blender until you get a homogeneous mass.
  • It should be noted that the avocado kernel tastes slightly bitter. Therefore you can sweeten with honey or stevia as needed.

7. In soups


  • 2 cups vegetable stock (500 ml)
  • 1 onion
  • ½ avocado


  • First, heat the broth in a saucepan.
  • Cut the onion, fry it with a little oil and add it to the broth as soon as it is golden brown.
  • Chop the avocado and add it to the saucepan.
  • Let everything boil and stir well.
  • Then, sprinkle the soup with grated avocado seeds before serving.

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