6 Tips For A Strong Nervous System

In order to strengthen the nervous system, it is important to change both diet and lifestyle accordingly. Get regular exercise and keep your brain busy with meaningful activities such as reading or other leisure activities.

6 tips for a strong nervous system

Have you ever wondered what you can do to strengthen your nervous system ? We seldom think about it, although it is very simple.

In today’s article you will therefore learn simple tips and habits that you can use to strengthen your nervous system and keep it healthy.

What functions does the nervous system have?

Nervous system

The nervous system is responsible for stimulus perception, stimulus processing and, moreover, reaction control.

Daily  external and internal stimuli  are picked up by the nerve cells  and passed on via electrical impulses in order to be able to perform all necessary functions.

1. Healthy eating habits that strengthen the nervous system 

It is common knowledge that diet plays an important role in health . With the right diet, the nervous system can also be strengthened.

You should therefore regularly include the following foods in your eating plan:

Essential fatty acids

Essential fatty acids are necessary for the organism,  but cannot be synthesized directly;  they have to be taken in through diet.

The following foods also contain essential fatty acids:

  • salmon
  • avocado
  • Almonds
  • olive oil
  • broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • linseed


Almonds for the nervous system

Calcium not only strengthens the nervous system, but also strengthens the bones.  You can also use it to prevent osteoporosis!

This mineral also plays an important role in regulating blood pressure and during menopause. It can also be used to alleviate symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome.

The following foods contain calcium, so you should include them in your diet:

  • chocolate
  • Dairy products
  • Vegetables (chard, spinach, leek)
  • Sardines
  • Almonds
  • Chickpeas
  • Eggs
  • Olives

B complex vitamins

These water-soluble vitamins are then essential for the body’s development. They are important for the metabolism and also strengthen the nervous system.

The following foods also contain B vitamins:

  • yeast
  • Mollusks
  • parsley
  • nuts
  • Vegetables (mushrooms, carrots, lettuce, spinach)
  • Grains and pseudograins (oats, wheat bran, soybeans)
  • flesh
  • cheese
  • egg yolk

2. Avoid unhealthy habits

Alcohol and tobacco are known to be harmful to health. Both also lead to the following complaints:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • chronic lung diseases (such as emphysema, cancer)
  • cerebrovascular diseases

If you give up tobacco and alcohol, you can directly improve your nervous system.

Of course, you can also benefit from all the other advantages and keep the dangerous  substances away from your nerve cells! Your health will thank you.

3. Adequate exercise

Woman makes sprot

Regular exercise is very important for the nervous system. You can use it to free yourself from stress and also maintain your mental health.

One of the best techniques is yoga. You can also opt for other sporting activities that you enjoy.

You should exercise for 30 minutes at least  three times a week. Every day would be even better.

4. Teas for your nervous system

Everyone knows that coffee perks you up and provides new energy. The problem with this, however, is that excessive consumption also has negative consequences for the nervous system.

There are other ways to start the day with energy, but you don’t necessarily need caffeine to start the day.

Then why not just replace the coffee with a healthy green smoothie? This provides you with important nutrients and a lot of energy.

Another alternative  for a strong nervous system are the following teas: 

  • chamomile
  • rosemary
  • eucalyptus
  • ginger
  • lemon
  • valerian
  • Green tea

5. Sufficient sunlight

Excessive exposure to the sun is harmful to the health of the skin, but the body needs short periods of exposure  to the sun in order to improve body functions.

The main advantages of a short sunbath (not at noon, when the radiation is strongest) include the following:

  • Prevention against breast cancer,
  • Disinfection and faster healing of wounds,
  • Support in the treatment of skin diseases  such as psoriasis and acne,
  • Lowering cholesterol levels as this lipid is converted into steroid hormones,
  • better blood oxidation,
  • optimal functioning of the immune system,
  • also promotes growth in childhood,
  • better nerve cell health.

6. Meaningful leisure activities

Knitting calms the nervous system

Music not only affects the state of mind, it can also calm and strengthen the nervous system.

When listening to music  , the nerve cells in different areas of the brain become active. 

This is also the case for the following activities:

  • reading
  • To draw
  • Needlework
  • chess
  • Sudokus

Do some activities every day that you enjoy and that strengthen your nervous system at the same time.

Protect your nervous system 

It is very important to protect the nervous system and also to keep it healthy. These tips can be very helpful in doing this. You can then easily put them into practice every day.

If you ensure healthy living habits, you can not only optimize your nervous system, but also  prevent a wide variety of diseases.

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