6 Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Diet And Everyday Life

For many, breakfast ideas fail when they want to implement a healthy diet or perhaps also a diet.

6 healthy breakfast ideas for diet and everyday life

If you are running out of breakfast ideas, you are bored to the point of your everyday breakfast, you want to eat healthier or occasionally want to treat yourself to something particularly delicious, then our healthy breakfast ideas are for you! Try them out!

Breakfast ideas for a healthy start to the day

Our breakfast ideas ensure that you start your day in such a way that your body gets everything it needs to get started right away. First of all, it is only important that you have breakfast, because statistically speaking, people who skip breakfast are fatter than people who have breakfast every day.

Your breakfast should definitely include the following

  • At least 0.5l of liquid
  • Complex carbohydrates, whole grains at best
  • A serving of fruit or vegetables
  • protein
  • A small amount of fat, preferably vegetable

This way you make sure that you get everything that is between the lines: fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and more. What should definitely not be included in your breakfast ideas are the following ingredients:

  • Saturated fats
  • sugar
  • Sugary breakfast cereals
  • White flour products
  • More than 25g of fat of any kind

Discover with our breakfast ideas how delicious you can do it!

Kiwie and other breakfast ideas

Fruit bowl instead of smoothie

Well-tried things have newfangled names these days. A fruit puree is suddenly called a “smoothie” and a bowl full of fruit is called a “fruitbowl”. Basically, you should always consume fruit in its whole, natural and fresh form, i.e. prefer apples to apple juice.

A smoothie is a good idea to add more fruit to your diet. But have we forgotten how to chew? To make a smoothie, you’ll have to cut the fruit into pieces anyway. Then why do one more work step and not put it directly into your mouth?

A bowl full of fruit, for example kiwi, berries, citrus fruits or tropical fruits, belongs in many breakfast ideas because it is a good source of vitamins, fiber and minerals. Without sugar, of course!

Breakfast ideas with fruit

fruit yoghurt

Why do you buy fruit yogurt that is already made? Right, because it’s quick. Unfortunately, such a fruit yoghurt has nothing to do with fruit. In order to ideally combine fruit and protein in breakfast ideas, you should make your own fruit yoghurt.

Whether the yogurt is plant-based or animal-based depends on your preferences. It is important that it is low in fat and sugar free. Which fruits you then chop up depends on you.

If you like, you can also puree the fruit and mix it with the yogurt to make a fruit yogurt. Only the yoghurt with “fruit preparation” (which is nothing more than a kind of jam) should be left on the refrigerated shelf in the future.

Breakfast ideas with avocado

Avocado bread

Fat cheese or fat sausage on white rolls are breakfast ideas that should be a thing of the past. Even the classic buttered toast with jam is actually more of a sweet than a healthy breakfast. If you don’t want to miss out on bread for breakfast, there are healthy alternatives.

How about an avocado bread? Avocado does contain fat, but it is a high quality, healthy fat. Cut the avocado into thin slices and use them on a slice of wholemeal bread or wholemeal toast. So you have a delicious, healthy and plant-based bread topping that guarantees you a good start into the new day.

Breakfast ideas with oats

Oatmeal with fruit

The classic among the healthy breakfast ideas are quite simply oatmeal with fruit. Oat flakes are practically an all-rounder when it comes to health and can be combined with a new variety of fruit every day.

A healthy muesli consists of cereal flakes, fruit and nuts or oil seeds, whereby there are no limits to your creativity.

It is up to you whether you prepare the oatmeal with plant-based or animal milk, yogurt or quark. It is important to avoid sugar, honey and other sweeteners and only rely on the natural sweetness of the fresh fruit.

If you use ready-made mixes, make sure that they contain little or no dried fruit. The best thing is, you prepare the muesli yourself: oatmeal, fresh fruit, a dairy product and a small portion of nuts or oil seeds.

You are sure to come up with other healthy breakfast ideas. All of the breakfast ideas mentioned in this article are also suitable for dieting because they are low in fat, sugar free, and high in fiber. It’s up to you to make it happen! We wish you a healthy start to the day!

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