5 Yoga Exercises For The Abdominal Muscles

Not only training in the fitness center can strengthen your abdominal muscles. Some yoga exercises are also very beneficial! We’ll show you which asanas are particularly effective. 

5 yoga exercises for the abdominal muscles

Various yoga poses can help you tone your abs and have many other benefits as well. Today we are going to show you 5 asanas for the abdominal muscles that you can easily practice at home. However, you have to practice regularly to achieve your goal! Combine these exercises with traditional abdominal training.

Yoga exercises for the abdominal muscles

You don’t have to be an expert yoga practitioner to practice these abdominal exercises. However, you should be careful when doing this and proceed gradually to avoid injury. Do you feel like? We’ll show you 5 simple asanas.

1.  Bhujangasana  or the cobra for the abdominal muscles

Yoga exercises for the abdominal muscles 

The position of the cobra is perfect for strengthening the abdominal muscles and also the lumbar region. If you combine them with proper breathing, you can relax in the process at the same time. This asana is also called  Bhujangasana. Take a little time every day to practice it and strengthen your abs!


  • Lie face down on a yoga mat with your hands so that they are just below your shoulders. The elbows are bent while doing this.
  • Now inhale and slowly roll up each vortex. The abdomen and the lower costal arch are still on the floor. Tilt your head back, stretching your entire upper body.
  • Remain in this position for about 5 seconds, then rest briefly.
  • Repeat this exercise 8 to 10 times.

    2.  Kumbhakasana or Board Pose

    This pose is part of a series of asanas called “Sun Salutations”. It is a very complete exercise that works many muscle groups. There are also many variations that are practiced as part of a conventional exercise routine to develop strength and body tension.


    • Lie on your stomach on the yoga mat and then lift your body by stretching out your arms and supporting yourself on your hands and on your toes at the same time. The rest of the body lies straight.
    • Pull your abdominal muscles and buttocks together and stay in this position for 15 seconds.
    • Then relax your body for 10 seconds and repeat the exercise at least 5 times.

      3.  Paripurna Navasana or the boat for the abdominal muscles

      Paripurna Navasana or the boat for the abdominal muscles

      With this exercise you can strengthen your abs and train your balance at the same time. Hold yourself in this asana for a few seconds and try to hold out longer and longer until you can do it for a minute.

      This position may seem difficult at first, but it’s just a matter of concentration  and practice!


      • Sit on a yoga mat with your back straight and legs outstretched.
      • After that, you lift your legs while moving your back backwards.
      • The arms are stretched out and parallel to the floor to give you stability.
      • Remain in this position for up to a minute.
      • Repeat this exercise three times.
      • If you have difficulty maintaining your balance at first, do the exercise for 30 seconds and gradually build up.

      4.  Ustrasana or the camel for the abdominal muscles

      The position of the camel is excellent for exercising the abdominal muscles. If you exercise regularly, you will soon see beneficial results and improve your balance at the same time.


      • You get into the heel seat on a yoga mat and then raise your upper body, which you are holding straight. The knees are open at hip width, the back of the feet pointing down.
      • Push your shoulders back so your chest expands and you can breathe deeply.
      • Then extend your arms forward, tense your body and guide it backwards. The arms remain in a horizontal position. Pull the abdominal muscles together. You can also put your arms behind your body and put your hands on your heels.
      • Remain in this position for 10 seconds and then go back to the starting position.
      • Repeat this asana 3 to 6 times.

      5.  Dhanurasana or the bow

      Dhanurasana or the bow for the abdominal muscles

      If you practice this asana regularly, you can benefit in many ways. Use it to strengthen your abs and relax your lower back. This will help you with back pain, among other things.


      • You are prone on a yoga mat.
      • Then lift your legs and bring your arms back so that you can grab your ankles with your hands.
      • As you inhale, lift your body and look forward.
      • Tense your abdominal muscles.
      • Remain in this position for 5 to 10 seconds and then take a short break.
      • Repeat this exercise 8 to 10 times.

      Do not forget to pay attention to the correct breathing during all exercises ! You can use not only the physical, but also the mental advantages of yoga.

      Of course, these yoga poses cannot work miracles. It is particularly important to exercise regularly and also to adhere to a healthy diet. In addition, the combination with other sports activities is advisable in order to achieve the desired goal.

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