5 Plants For Better Blood Circulation And A Healthy Heart

If the blood vessels constrict because of their elasticity, this can lead to disturbances in the blood flow and thus to health risks for the heart.

5 plants for better blood circulation and a healthy heart

Today we’re going to introduce you to a few plants and natural remedies that can help improve blood circulation and a healthy heart.

If the blood vessels lose their elasticity and constrict, this can lead to circulatory disorders. This can be the result of high cholesterol levels or salt consumption, for example .  Too little water or a lack of exercise can also lead to this.

With poor blood circulation , the risk of heart disease also increases. Symptoms such as cold hands or feet, heaviness in the legs, dizziness, spider veins, cellulite or night cramps are also common.

Taking the right steps can help prevent circulatory disorders while promoting heart health.

Why are plants recommended for better blood circulation?

Phytotherapy has been popular for various diseases since ancient times.

For better blood circulation, plants are used that have anticoagulant and cleansing properties and thus also act against fluid retention and the accumulation of pollutants in the blood.

Due to the vasomotor properties , these plants protect the blood vessels and make them more elastic.

Which plants promote blood circulation and heart health?



Garlic is characterized by its antithrombotic effect: it prevents blood clots and improves blood flow. This is thanks to the active ingredient Alliin and other sulfur compounds.

How is garlic consumed?

  • Take half a gram of garlic tincture daily.
  • Or eat a raw, pressed clove of garlic in salads.
  • Soak 100 g of garlic in 400 g of alcohol (red wine) and then take half a teaspoon every day before going to bed.

Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)

The active ingredients of this plant, also known as the meadow queen, contain  numerous flavonoids, including quercetin, rutin and hyperoside. These are excellent for the health of the blood vessels and have a strong antioxidant effect.

How is real meadowsweet taken?

Make a tea with two teaspoons of dried leaves and flowers and drink three cups a day. The cabbage must not be boiled.



Dandelion has a strong cleansing effect and is also an excellent aid with fluid retention. This is why this meadow herb also promotes blood circulation.

How is dandelion taken?

Make tea from a few dry dandelion leaves and drink three cups a day.



Like the previously mentioned medicinal herbs, horsetail has a strong dehydrating effect  and therefore helps to excrete excess fluid.  Fluid retention is known to make blood flow difficult and can lead to heart problems.

How is horsetail taken?

First, boil 100 g of horsetail in one liter of water for 30 minutes. Then drink a cup of it twice a day.

Willow bark

Willow bark contains salicylic acid (an active ingredient in aspirin),  which is used as a blood thinner and against heart attacks. Therefore, the willow bark has an anticoagulant effect and protects against thrombosis.

The consumption of this plant thus improves blood flow and has a preventive effect against heart problems, strokes and arteriosclerosis. In general, willow bark is also used for secondary ailments caused by poor blood circulation.

How is willow bark ingested?

You can use willow bark as an alternative to aspirin. To get all the benefits, we recommend a tea. Scald a teaspoon of willow bark with a cup of water.

Then drink a glass of it every other day. However, it is important to discuss possible side effects with the doctor beforehand in order to avoid problems.

Do not forget…

Before you take the medicinal plants mentioned, you should definitely discuss this with your doctor, especially if you are also taking other medications for better blood circulation.

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