5 Natural Remedies For Dry Hair

Gelatine is an effective remedy for treating dry hair. Try to do this application at least once a month

5 natural remedies for dry hair

There are various natural remedies that are very effective against dry hair and split ends.

Many commercial hair products promise sensational results. In some cases, however, these can also damage the hair. That’s why today we’re introducing you to all-natural ways to give your hair a natural, healthy shine.

What are the causes of dull, dry hair?

What to do about dry hair

Dry hair can have many causes. These include, for example, the following:

  • Genetic factors
  • Damage caused by chemicals (hair dye, bleach, etc.)
  • Use of too strong shampoos, which damage the natural fat layer of the scalp and are very basic
  • Insufficient intake of vitamins, proteins, minerals and fatty acids
  • Strong heat exposure from frequent blow-drying and straightening of the hair
  • Lots of sun exposure
  • Washing your hair too often.

Natural remedies in the fight against dry hair

In this article we will introduce you to a variety of natural remedies that are excellent for treating dry hair. You are sure to already have many of them at home.

In the long term, these agents are more effective than many other industrially manufactured hair care products and also cheaper and healthier.

1. Unsalted butter or whipped cream

This hair mask based on dairy products moisturizes the hair, restores its natural shine and supports the production of keratin. 


  • Spread the butter or whipped cream (without sugar) on the hair.
  • Let the product sit for half an hour.
  • Rinse the hair thoroughly and wash it with a shampoo of your choice.

Repeat this process two to three times a week.

2. olive oil

Olive oil can help with dry hair.

Vitamin E and antioxidants found in olive oil help repair damaged hair  and restore moisture and shine.


  • Put a small amount of olive oil in a container and heat it in the microwave (the temperature shouldn’t be too high so you don’t get burned while using it).
  • Spread generously but with caution on the scalp.
  • Massage the scalp gently for 10 minutes.
  • Cover your head with a hot towel.
  • Let the oil sit for half an hour.
  • Rinse the hair with your usual hair products.

You should do this application once a week. If you like, you can replace the olive oil with other oils (castor oil, coconut oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, corn oil …).

3. Albumen

Egg white helps against dry hair.

To restore your hair’s lost strength, structure and moisture, you should use this effective, natural remedy.


  • 1 egg white
  • 2 teaspoons of lukewarm water (20 ml)


    • Mix the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mass.
    • Apply the mass to the scalp.
    • Massage the scalp well in circular motions for 15 minutes.
    • Wash your hair with cold water.

    Do this application once or twice a week.

    4. Tasteless gelatin

    Using chemicals can cause your hair to dry out quickly and it will require a large portion of protein. It’s best to use flavor-free gelatin for this.


    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
    • 1 teaspoon gelatin (7 g)
    • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar (5 ml)


    • Dissolve the gelatin in water until a gel forms.
    • Add the teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and stir the mixture well.


    • Wash your hair as usual, then apply the mass to your hair.
    • Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes.
    • Rinse your hair well.

      5. Beer

      Beer helps against dry hair.

      Alcohol-free beer works very well as a natural hair conditioner.

      The proteins it contains repair damaged hair cells and strengthen the hair roots. It is essential to ensure that the beer does not contain any alcohol, otherwise the hair will dry out even more.


      • Wash your hair as usual.
      • Then towel dry your hair.
      • Wet your hair with a small amount of beer, just like using a setting spray.
      • Let the hair air dry. In this way, the beer smell will go away.

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